Procedures for Secure Online Communication and Coursework
At Henderson Community College (HCC), the Student Handbook provides most of the information you need to know about HCC’s email, accessing your academic records online, and online services. For more information about the policies and procedures in place to protect your privacy in HCC’s online environment, refer to the following:
The KCTCS Student Email Policy is designed to keep your email communications safe, appropriate, and lawful. Important steps and points within this policy include how to gain access to your email, when access to email will be provided, and what types of usage are acceptable. All HCC students are assigned a college email address, and official HCC email is sent only to this address. Most HCC instructors only communicate with students through this email address to maintain privacy and security. Do not share your username and pass code with anyone else, and please know that it is against the law to transmit false, obscene, or threatening information through email. For additional information about the steps to gain secure access, contact the HCC Technology Solutions Help Desk at 270-831-9616.
Several web policies are in place to ensure you have access to useful, relevant, and secure electronic information. KCTCS Administrative Policy explains HCC’s responsibilities with webpages, which include training for development and support. Policy explains how webpages developed by students must adhere to the KCTCS Student Code of Conduct. By providing you with a safe, continually-updated website, HCC keeps you informed about your courses and campus events. If you have questions about HCC’s web services, contact Jon Reidford, HCC's Distance Learning Coordinator at 270-831-9829.
Responsible Use
Knowing how to navigate HCC’s electronic tools and coursework responsibly will help keep your actions and records safe along with those whom you interact online. The KCTCS policy for responsible use has several components, but perhaps the two most important parts are and These policies define the positions of KCTCS and HCC with topics such as privacy, information integrity, and the handling of confidential information. The practice of responsible technology and information use is discussed during orientation and the FYE 105 courses. To review main points, consider visiting the START Session used during online orientations.
Security Breaches
Although security breaches involving student records rarely happen in higher education, KCTCS and HCC are prepared to react swiftly and effectively if an incident occurs. KCTCS Administrative Policy 4.2.6 explains how KCTCS and HCC work together to inform the affected student and take the appropriate legal action to remedy the situation. If you suspect that your email, coursework submissions, or student records have been misused or manipulated without your consent, please contact Dr. Chad Phillips, Registrar at 270-831-9614.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), Public Law 93-390, says that each student record confidential, and that students have the following rights to ensure the protection of this privacy.
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access.
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.
- The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
- The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
KCTCS and HCC comply with FERPA, and have created KCTCS Administrative Policy 6.2 to inform their employees what constitutes and defines the student education record, the inspection or review process, and the disclosure process along with the other steps involved with protecting and securing student records. This policy applies to all HCC students attending face-to-face or online courses. For more information, refer to the FERPA webpage or contact Dr. Chad Phillips, HCC's Registrar at 270-831-9614.
Proctored Exams
Many online HCC students enrolled in mathematics, biology or other science courses are often required to take proctored exams throughout a semester. At HCC, the START Center features a testing room with cameras and activity monitoring software which are used to ensure the integrity of the testing process.
HCC makes every effort to keep your electronic private and confidential. By performing safe practices with e-mail, accessing a safe website, acting responsibly with electronic information, and understanding how security breaches are handled, you can navigate HCC’s electronic services without hesitation. HCC provides quality test proctoring services and adheres to FERPA to further ensure your privacy is protected. If you have further questions, please contact Dr. Chad Phillips, Registrar at 270-831-9614.