Section 1: Emergency Information. Start Here.
Fire: Evacuate the building first! Move away from the building to designated muster area. Call 911 after clearing the building.
Tornado/Severe Weather: Move to designated shelter area.
Active Shooter: If you can escape safely, run first. If you cannot safely run away, hide & barricade the doors if possible. As a last resort, be prepared to fight with anything you can.
Earthquake: If you are inside, stay inside. Do not attempt to run outside. Cover your head. When shaking stops, evacuate building and move to a safe distance.
Bomb Threat: Remain calm. Try to get as much information as possible from the other party.
For more detailed information, see Section 2 Below
Section 2: Detailed Information
Fire: Human safety always takes priority. Activate the fire alarm. Evacuate the building. Use the stairs, not the elevator. Call 911 first, then alert college administration by calling 270-831-9616. After 4:30, call 270-823-3350. Ensure everyone has moved a safe distance away from the building. Render first aid if necessary.
Tornado: All building occupants should move to the designated shelter area. Individuals should remain in the shelter area until cleared. If damage has occurred, keep everyone away from the area. Alert college administration by calling 270-831-9616. After 4:30, call 270-823-3350.
Active Shooter: Run-Hide-Fight. If you’re in a classroom, close and lock the door if possible. Barricade the door with desks, chairs, and tables if necessary. Stay way from windows. If you’re in an office, proceed to a secure location either in the office or a room that can be secured. If you’re in a lobby, run first if possible. Make your way to a secured location. Call 911 first. Alert college administration by calling 270-831-9616. After 4:30, call 270-823-3350.
Earthquake: You will have no warning, so you must react immediately. If you are inside, remain inside. Drop down to your hands and knees before you’re knocked down. Cover and protect your neck and head. If you can get under a sturdy desk, do so. Do not stand in a doorway. When the shaking stops, leave the building and proceed to a safe distance.
Bomb Threat: Remain calm. Try to get as much information as possible from the person making the threat. Immediately alert college administration by calling 270-831-9616. After 4:30, call 270-823-3350. The administration will make the decision about evacuation and next steps. In the event of evacuation, unless the threat is deemed immediate, do not use the fire alarm as a means to signal evacuation. Evacuation must be conducted in an orderly and calm fashion.
Medical Emergency: Quickly evaluate the situation. Make note of circumstances for the official report. Ask the affected individual if you can help. Obtain assistance from nearby personnel if possible. Use your best judgment. Call 911 first, then 270-831-9616 to alert campus administration. After 4:30, call 270-823-3350. Keep the affected person calm. Never move the affected person unless absolutely necessary to prevent further injury.
Media Request: All media requests for information should be directed to the President’s Office: 270-831-9626. Alternatively, the Chief Advancement Officer: 270-831-9805. Do not make statements to the media.
AED Locations: all AED stations are on the first floor on the wall close the main entrance of the building (specifics below).
- ADM: 1st floor hallway center
- A&S: 1st floor hallway North end
- A/T: 1st floor hallway East end near entrance
- LIB: 1st floor behind front desk
- PAC: 1st floor Scott Foyer South wall
- STC: 1st floor next to welcome desk in main foyer
- WLD: 1st floor outside of classroom near main entry
Evacuation Muster Locations
- ADM: US 60 lawn by flagpole
- A&S: Parking lot 5 behind A/T building
- A/T: Parking lot 5 behind A/T building
- LIB: Southeast of LIB at edge of parking lot
- PAC: Parking lot 2 between PAC and ADM
- STC: Parking lot 5 behind A/T building
- WLD: Outside lawn, a safe distance from the building
Severe Weather Shelter Locations
- ADM: Basement hallway
- A&S: 1st floor hallway away from entry vestibules
- A/T: South end of the bottom floor near the elevator
- LIB: 1st floor hallway
- PAC: Orchestra pit in McCormick Hall under the stage
- STC: 1st floor restrooms, closets, and hallways away from windows in Cyber Café and entrance area
- WLD: Restrooms