Accessibility Services
Disability Services
Disability Support Services (DSS) at Henderson Community College is here to meet the needs of students with disabilities. The goals of DSS are to ensure equal access and full participation for persons with disabilities in post-secondary education outlined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and to empower students to attain their educational goals.
Am I eligible for financial aid?
All students wishing to apply for financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office.
Are attendant care services available?
Attendant Care Services are not provided by Henderson Community College. If you will need attendant care services, contact your local Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.
How do I request services?
To schedule an appointment on campus call 270-831-9783 or e-mail April Johnson or complete the Online Accomodation Request Form. Parents, faculty, staff, or community agencies, such as the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and Office for the Blind may also make referrals. Services are voluntary and provided only upon students request; however, all referrals are confidential and disclosure of the nature of the disability is left up to the student.
What is considered a disability?
Henderson Community College uses the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) as a guide to define disability. A condition that substantially limits a major life activity, such as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, and learning, is covered under the ADA, making a student eligible for services from DSS. Services can be provided to students who are deaf or hard of hearing, students with learning disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, chronic health conditions, including but not limited to diabetes, epilepsy, psychiatric disability, etc.
Students with temporary conditions such as a broken arm or leg may also be eligible for services.
What services are available?
Services are based on the individual need of each student and may include:
- ensuring a physically accessible environment
- assistance with academic advising and career counseling
- supportive counseling
- interpreters for students who are deaf or hard of hearing
- tutors
- testing accommodations
- and special parking
The coordinator for DSS serves as liaison with college faculty, staff and administrators, rehabilitation counselors, and other social services agencies. Regular contact is maintained with the Kentucky Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, office of the blind and adult education center. Students are also assisted in transferring to other institutions and programs upon request.
Request assistance via the Online Accomodation Request Form
For questions or additional information contact:
Ms. April Johnson
Coordinator of Community Engagement & Belonging
STC 214