Campus Safety Plans and Procedures | HCC

Campus Safety Plans and Procedures

Creating a safe and comfortable learning and work environment for students, staff, faculty and visitors is of utmost concern at Henderson Community College. We accomplish this through the Safety Notification Alert Process (SNAP) and security measures on campus.

Creating a safe and comfortable learning environment for you.

At Henderson Community College, we work hard to provide the safest environment possible for everyone on campus. This includes everything from emergency planning, to ensuring that our campuses are free from offensive speech or behavior.

Learn more about our safety and security initiatives:

EMERGENCY Information

Henderson Police/
Henderson Police Department
911 or 270-827-8700

Student Resource Officer (James Elliott)
270-831-9708 or 270-860-0683

M&O Supervisor (Zach Charville)
270-831-9632 or 270-577-5173

Chief Business Affairs Officer
(Kat Lea)
STC 318
270-831-9620 or 270-318-4200

HCC President (Dr. Jason Warren)
ADM 110
270-831-9626 or 270-853-7073

Chief Academic Officer (Mike Knecht)
ADM 115
270-831-9625 or 270-577-3793

Dean of Enrollment Management (Dr. Chad Phillips)
270-831-9614 or 270-454-4390

HCC Campus Map

Stay Safe on Campus! Sign up for SNAP text alerts today!

The best advice from law enforcement is if you see something, say something. We understand the barriers to reporting information of this nature to proper authorities. You may worry that you will unnecessarily get someone in trouble, that it is none of your business or that someone just made an off-hand comment. Unfortunately, in today's environment such aggressive or violence-associated comments must be considered unacceptable and treated seriously.

If you overhear such comments, notice a friend or acquaintance who may not be acting like themselves, or witness suspicious activity, please make every effort to get someone involved and/or bring it to the attention of college officials or local police agencies.

Other suspicious activity could include:

  • A vehicle parked in an odd location
  • A package/luggage that is unattended
  • A window/door is open that is usually closed
  • Other out-of-the-ordinary situations that feel wrong to you.
  • Someone questions individuals at a level beyond curiosity about a building's purpose, operations, security procedures and/or personnel, shift changes, etc.
  • Someone pays unusual attention to facilities or buildings beyond a casual or professional interest. This includes:
    • extended loitering without explanation (particularly in concealed locations)
    • unusual, repeated, and/or prolonged observation of a building (especially with binoculars or video camera)
    • taking notes or measurements; counting paces; sketching floor plans, etc.

We follow the national guidelines of "Run, Hide, Fight." The video link below provides an individual facing these circumstances with options to consider in response.


  • If there is a safe and accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises, getting as far away from buildings as possible and taking cover behind large, solid objects.Try to remain calm and think through your escape route.
  • Try to get others to go with you, but do not let others indecisiveness slow your actions.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Prevent others from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
  • Keep your hands visible and follow the instructions of any police officers arriving on scene.
  • Do not attempt to move wounded people.
  • Call 911 when you are safe.


  • If a safe escape path is inaccessible, find a secure place to hide where a shooter may be less likely to find you. Your hiding place should:
    • Be out of the active shooter's view
    • Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction, for example an office with a closed and locked door.
    • Not trap you or restrict your options for movement.
  • To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place:
    • Lock the door
    • Blockade the door with any heavy furniture or objects that are accessible.
  • If the active shooter is nearby:
    • Lock the door.
    • Silence cell phones.
    • Turn off any source of noise.
    • Attempt to blockade the door, hide behind large items.
    • Remain quiet and calm.
    • Prepare to defend yourself.


  • As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by:
    • Acting as aggressively as possible against him/her.
    • Throwing items and improvising weapons.
    • Yelling or distracting the shooter.
    • Committing to your actions.

Law enforcement's purpose is to stop the active shooter as soon as possible. The first officers that arrive on scene are trained to proceed directly to the area where the last shots were heard and will not stop to help injured persons until the shooter has been stopped. Expect rescue teams of additional officers and emergency medical personnel to follow the initial officers. These rescue teams will treat and remove any injured people. They may also ask for help with removing the wounded from the premises.

When law enforcement arrives:

  • Remain calm, and follow officers instructions.
  • Put down any items in your hands, such as bags, backpacks and jackets.
  • Raise your hands and spread your fingers, keeping hands visible at all times.
  • Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety.
  • Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling.
  • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the premises.
  • Pull the closest fire alarm and evacuate the building. Do NOT use elevators. If possible, provide assistance to mobility-impaired individuals.
  • Call 911 as soon as you are safe.
  • Do not attempt to extinguish the fire.
  • Once outside the building, account for all building occupants at the designated meeting area.
  • Do not re-enter the building or leave the campus unless advised to do so by first responders.

Most bomb threats are received by telephone, although some may be made via e-mail or letter. If any form of bomb threat is received, remain calm and obtain as much of the following information as possible:

  • Location of bomb
  • Expected time of explosion
  • The bomb type
  • Reason it was placed
  • The name or affiliation of the caller
  • Immediately call 911 and campus security.
  • Do not touch or move unfamiliar objects.
  • If the threat is made by note or mail, do not handle it.
  • Evacuate the building or area indicated by the threat.

The following characteristics may identify suspicious parcels:

  • Unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you.
  • Addressed to someone no longer with your organization or otherwise outdated.
  • No return address, or one that can't be verified as legitimate.
  • Has any powdery substance on the outside.
  • Marked with restrictive endorsements, such as Personal or Confidential.
  • Protruding wires, strange odors or stains.
  • Has an unusual amount of tape.
  • Has excessive postage.
  • A city or state in the postmark that doesn't match the return address.

If you receive a suspicious letter or package in the mail:

  • Do not open it.
  • Isolate it.
  • Call campus security.
  • Do not pass it to others.
  • Deny access to everyone except emergency responders.
  • Move to an area that minimizes exposure to others and to the parcel.
  • If possible, wash your hands and face with soap and water.

If you open a parcel that appears to be contaminated:

  • Do not move it.
  • Call campus security.
  • Turn off any fans, window air conditioners or space heaters.
  • Isolate the area. Evacuate the adjoining areas and report to preplanned assembly area.
  • Do not pass it to others.
  • Deny access to everyone except emergency responders.
  • Anyone in contact with the parcel should remain isolated in an area adjacent to the original location, and wait for additional instructions from emergency responders.
  • If possible, anyone who had contact with the parcel should wash their hands and face with soap and water

If those responsible for the chemicals feel the spill/leak poses an immediate threat to them or others, the following procedures apply:

  • Call 911 and immediately notify all building occupants in the area where the spill has occurred.
  • Ensure that the ventilation system for the building is shut down. Give the following information:
    • Building name
    • Floor number
    • Room number
    • Type of incident
    • Chemical(s) involved
    • Estimated volume of chemical(s) involved
  • If you are in the immediate area of the chemical emergency, vacate the area.
  • If you come into physical contact with the spilled material, immediately remove all contaminated clothing and flush all areas of bodily contact with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes, use a safety shower if one is available.

Immediately get help from campus security or call 911. There also are local and national organizations than can help.

  • Rape Crisis Hotline: 1-800-375-7273
  • National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE)

HCC Counselors are available on campus as well as a Title IX Coordinator.

HCC Inclement Weather Policy and Procedures

Be aware of the policies and procedures of what to do on campus during adverse weather and if there is a campus closing or delay.

Storm Shelter Locations:

Administration (ADM) Building: Basement hallway
Arts & Sciences (A&S) Building: 1st floor hallway away from entry vestibules
Academic Technical (A/T) Building: South end of the bottom floor near the elevator
Library (LIB) Building: 1st floor hallway
Sullivan Tech Center (STC): 1st floor restrooms, closets, and hallways away from windows in       Cyber Café and entrance area
Preston Arts Center (PAC): Orchestra pit in McCormick Hall under the stage
Welding (WLD) Center: Restrooms

Public Posting Policy

Henderson Community College (HCC) is an open environment that embraces the diversity of ideas and people. We allow public messages and messengers, provided they do not disrupt the operation of the campus business, do not result in violence or threats of violence, do not violate the law and do not create safety risks. We strive to maintain an environment at HCC where students, faculty, staff and our community stakeholders can gain knowledge and information that will help them achieve their better lives.

Therefore, HCC provides a place for public posters, fliers and similar items to be displayed on HCC's designated bulletin boards, on each campus. This is the only place public messaging may be posted. Materials may not be posted or laid on any other surface, including designated HCC departmental bulletin boards, at any HCC facility. Materials found outside the designated bulletin boards will be removed. Flyers that contain or advocate violence or any illegal activity will be immediately removed. Bulletin boards will be maintained, and items mentioned above may remain 30 days. After that time, they may be removed. All materials will be removed from bulletin boards at the end of each academic term.

Any flyers, posters or other materials created by HCC marketing for official HCC programs or departments are exempt from the removal schedule but may be removed by the program sponsor, the relevant department representative or the marketing department.

Children on Campus

Reference: KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures, Section Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Revised: 4/15/2009

Based on KCTCS policy, employees must help create the pleasant and safe working conditions that KCTCS intends, resulting in better performance for the organization overall and personal satisfaction for employees. Therefore, college employees should not have family members, friends, or children spend extended periods of time with them during normal working hours.

HCC is sensitive to our employees' child-care circumstances; however, the college cannot permit children to remain in the workplace because of the legal liability. As necessary, supervisors may grant leave at their discretion in emergency or unforeseen circumstances.

Children of faculty, staff, or students must be accompanied and attended by an adult while on campus. The college campus is not suited for small children, and children should not be left unattended at any time while on campus, neither in the buildings, nor on the grounds, including in automobiles. If children are discovered left unattended, parents will be located and instructed to remove the children from campus.

Adults who bring children to campus are asked to control the actions of the children and remove them from the campus if the children disturb college operations. Due to safety concerns, children are not to be taken to classrooms, laboratories, or clinical sessions unless they are to take part in the educational program.

LIVE Animals on campus

HCC is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment and protecting the assets of the Commonwealth that are invested in its facilities and grounds. Uncontrolled or unsupervised animals on campus may undermine that environment and cause severe personal injury or property damage. To protect campus health and safety, animals are generally prohibited on KCTCS property, except:

  • Service animals supporting an individual with a disability
  • Live animals for teaching and instruction
  • Live animals for performances, productions or other activities sanctioned by the college

Applicable definitions and process guidance provided in KCTCS Administrative Procedure 3.3.24-P which implements this policy.