HCC is an educational resource for the whole community, not just students.


Visit Us
We'd love for you to come to campus and see what's going on.

An investment in HCC is an investment in the community's future. Donate now!

Employment at HCC
Look at the available positions at Henderson Community College!

Preston Arts Center
We embrace a wide variety of the performing arts such as music, dance, drama, and comedy. We are the Center For It All!

Community Calendar
Check out all the various events happening in the great city of Henderson!

Mission & Vision
Preparing people to live and work in a constantly changing world through dynamic teaching and learning environments.

Workforce Solutions
Check out our designed services and training opportunities which helps increase economic development in our region!

Our alumni will always be a part of our family!

Stay In Touch!
Check out our on campus events and/or drop us a note sometime!
* All times are local