Kentucky Community & Technical College System
Henderson Community College
2660 South Green Street Henderson, KY 42420
(270) 827-1867 or toll free 1-800-696-9958
Henderson Community College is an equal opportunity employer and education institution.
- Welcome
- Vision
- Mission
- Values
- Institutional Goals
- Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
- Campus Telephone Numbers
- KCTCS Student Bill of Rights
- Student Responsibilities
- Student Code of Conduct
- Grievance Procedures
- Student Ombudsman
- Title IX and Officer
- Student Organizations and Activities
- Glossary of Terms
- Academic Calendar
- Campus Map
You can request a hard copy of this document by visiting the Start Center (STC 2nd floor) or email Dr. Chad Phillips (chad.phillips@kctcs.edu)
Welcome Letter from the President of HCC
Congratulations on choosing to further your education! On behalf of our faculty and
staff, welcome to Henderson Community College. HCC is an excellent choice whether
you are choosing to complete an Associate’s degree prior to transferring to a four-year
institution or whether you are moving from your certificate or degree directly into
your career.
Higher education is important to you and your community. Henderson Community College
provides you with the services and programs needed to further your education and reach
your education goals, to improve your quality of life, and to help ensure the economic
future of our region.
HCC’s courses transfer to all Kentucky four-year institutions and we do have articulation
agreements with many Indiana institutions so that you can transfer your credits there
too. Our college is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Colleges. More information on this accreditation may be found on our website.
Successful students are ones who:
- Take personal responsibility for achieving their learning goals and preparing for class—and who understand that each hour spent in class will probably require at least 2-3 hours outside of class to get a passing grade.
- Actively participate in college activities and take advantage of faculty office hours.
- Work with their advisor and instructors to successfully com-plete coursework and to know what courses to take to reach their academic goals.
Take control of your success at HCC! I wish you all the best.
Dr. Jason Warren
HCC President
The vision of Henderson Community College is to be the area's educational leader providing
opportunities for academic growth, workforce development, and cultural enrichment.
The mission of Henderson Community College is to enhance the quality of life and employability
of our diverse communities by serving as the leading provider of
• College and Career Readiness
• Transfer and Technical Education
• Workforce Development
• Lifelong Learning and Cultural Enrichment
Henderson Community College, a member of the Kentucky Community and Technical College
System, is a public associate degree granting institution serving Northwest Kentucky.
The values of Henderson Community College are:
- Academic Freedom
- Access and Opportunity
- Accountability and Integrity
- Community Partnerships
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Institutional Goals
To fulfill its mission, the college has adopted six institutional goals to coincide with the KCTCS goals. The goals of HCC are as follows:
- Raise the level of educational attainment in HCC's service area by positioning the College as the most accessible, affordable, and relevant postsecondary education choice.
- Increase access and success for HCC's students, particularly among traditionally under-represented populations.
- Develop clear pathways through postsecondary education with an emphasis on experiential learning that leads to successful employment outcomes for HCC's graduates.
- Improve student learning, engagement, support, experienc- es, and success with exceptional academic and student services.
- Align programs and curricula with needs of employers that enhance the employability, job placement, and career development of HCC's graduates.
- Promote the recognition and value of HCC.
Celebrating HCC’s Quality Enhancement Plan
HCC’s QEP focuses metacognitive learning strategies. To learn more about how HCC is
thinking about thinking in the classroom, go to https://henderson.kctcs.edu/about/accreditation/.
Campus Telephone Numbers
Chief Academic Officer - 270-831-9625
Distance Learning Services - 270-831-9829
Library & Tutoring - 270-831-9767
Humanities, Social Sciences and Mathematics Division - 270-831-9684
Allied Health Division - 270-831-9740
Science and Technology Division - 270-831-9714
Enrollment Management & Student Affairs - 270-831-9759
Dean of Student Affairs & Registrar - 270-831-9614
Admissions - 270-831-9739
Financial Aid 270-831-9790 or 270-831-9791
Accessibility Services - 270-831-9783
Career Services - 270-831-9671
Records - 270-831-9739
Assessment/Testing Services - 270-831-9759
Technology Solutions - 270-831-9616
President’s Office - 270-831-9626
Business Office - 270-831-9618
Resource Officer - 270-831-9708 or 270-860-0683
College Main Line - 270-827-1867
KCTCS Student Bill of Rights
The KCTCS community recognizes and declares that students have certain fundamental
rights which shall not be arbitrarily abridged or denied or removed without appropriate
due process. Among them are the right to:
1. Learn, study, grow, and develop without fear of threats, harassment, bullying,
or discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, nationality, age, religion,
gender, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, or military service.
2. Treat others and be treated with civility and recognized as individuals, rather
than a class.
3. Free written and oral speech, restrained only by those proper constraints that
limit and protect the First Amendment Rights of others.
4. Hold and express divergent viewpoints with respect and civility toward others.
5. Participate in a community devoted to scholarship, inquiry, debate, thought, and
expression within a community of scholars, including the right to express agreement
and dissent.
6. Form and participate in student presses and organizations, and to assemble and
participate in the social, religious, and political activities available in a free
& open society.
7. Participate meaningfully in the governance of their colleges, including, when appropriate,
representation on college or System committees and the KCTCS Board of Regents in accordance
with proper rules and regulations.
8. Have privacy in their educational, academic, and financial records. Have clear
and comprehensible course objectives and requirements, degree and graduation requirements,
transfer policies, and grading policies, and to know with accuracy and clarity information
that assists them in successfully meeting the established academic standards in their
9. Have privacy in their educational, academic, and financial records.
10. Have clear and comprehensible course objectives and requirements, degree and graduation
requirements, transfer policies, and grading policies, and to know with accuracy and
clarity information that assists them in successfully meeting the established academic
standards in their classes.
11. Receive grades based only on fair and just evaluations of performance as measured
by standards presented in the first or second class section or in the introductory
materials for a distance learning course.
12. Have access to reasonable accommodations as required under federal and state laws
related to the establishment of an equal opportunity to succeed.
13. Full disclosure and publication of the substantive rules and possible sanctions
as described in a current KCTCS Code of Student Conduct.
14. Have knowledge of allegations against the student, the right to express a proper
defense, the right to know the findings of any proceeding against the student, and
a right to an appeal in accordance with reasonable and proper policies and procedures.
15. Be free of penalty for violating regulations, rules, or policies imposed after-the-fact.
16. All rights considered basic human rights and memorialized in the United States
Constitution, the laws and regulations of the United States of America, the Kentucky
Constitution, the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and KCTCS
policies and procedures.
17. KCTCS students have the right to privacy in their educational, academic, and financial
This right to privacy shall be con-sistent with the Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). FERPA
is a federal law that protects the confidentiality of personally identifiable information
contained in student edu-cation records. KCTCS shall adhere to policies and procedures
for identification of directory information and for any release of information that
is not identified as directory infor-mation and therefore protected by FERPA. KCTCS
students shall also enjoy, when relevant, the protections of KRS 164.283.
Student Responsibilities
Just as you have rights as a student, you are also responsible for adhering to the
following KCTCS standards:
Standard 1: Students shall adhere to the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity,
and support a campus environment that is conducive to learning and scholarship.
Standard 2: Students shall respect and preserve the health, safety, welfare, privacy and rights
of all members of the campus community.
Standard 3: Students shall respect the property of others, and the property, facilities, resources,
and reputation of the College.
Standard 4: Students shall observe the rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the College
as well as local, state and federal laws.
KCTCS Code of Student Conduct
The KCTCS Code of Student Conduct helps explain students rights and responsibility. It serves as a resource for students as they navigate their educational experience at HCC.
View the entire KCTCS Code of Student Conduct
Grievance Procedures
Henderson Community College has both academic and non-academic grievance procedures:
• Grievance Procedure for Violation of Student Academic Rights
• Appealing a Penalty for Academic Dishonesty and/or Misconduct
• Discipline for Academic Honesty Violations
• Appeals Suspension or Expulsion from HCC
• Non-Academic Grievance Procedure for Unfair or Unlawful Treatment
• Reporting Behavioral or Non-Academic Violations of the Code of Conduct
• Student harassment or Discrimination Grievance Procedure
Student Ombudsman
The Ombudsperson can be the first resource when a student does not know where to get
information for a particular situation; or as a last resort, when normal channels
of communication have failed to bring resolution to a difficulty.
You can schedule an appointment with HCC’s Student Ombudsman by contacting:
Dr. Chad Phillips
Dean of Student Affairs & Registrar
Title IX and Officer
It is the current policy of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS)
and Henderson Community College (HCC) to maintain an environment that is free of discrimination,
sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and all forms of sexual intimidation and exploitation.
Sexual harassment is an assault on a person’s privacy and integrity. It can cause
poor academic per-formance, physical illness, fear of reprisal, anxiety, and loss
of self-confidence. Sexual harassment also can affect those exposed to the situation,
causing conflict in the classroom or workplace, a decline in morale, and a loss of
respect for the responsible party. Information concerning an allegation of sexual
harassment will be handled in a confidential manner insofar as possible.
To comply with federal law and to safeguard our students and employees, KCTCS is enacting
new policies and procedures governing KCTCS’ and HCC’s prohibition of sexual misconduct,
da-ting violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. These new policies
and procedures address the legal defini-tion of those terms, the definition of consent,
safe and positive options for bystander intervention, information on risk reduction,
and policies and procedures should an incident of sexual miscon-duct occur.
Through enforcement of policy and by education of students, employees and volunteers,
KCTCS and HCC seeks to prevent, correct, and discipline behavior that violates our
current and new policies.
Title IX policies and procedures are located on HCC’s website:
HCC Title IX Officer
Students, faculty, and staff who have questions regarding Title IX procedure or to
need to make a report should contact HCC’s Title IX Officer.
Dr. Chad Phillips
Dean of Student Affairs & Registrar
Student Organizations & Activities
HCC provides a variety of extra-curricular education experiences through programming and student organizations.
- Campus Crafters
- Primary Advisor: Rebecca Wells
- Primary Advisor: Rebecca Wells
- C.R.O.S.S. (Christ Reaching Out Saving Students)
- Primary Advisor: Dr. Laura Winstead
- Primary Advisor: Dr. Laura Winstead
- HANS (Henderson Association of Nursing Students)
- Primary Advisor: Sarah Crick
- Primary Advisor: Sarah Crick
- Kentucky Education Association– Student Program
- Primary Advisor: Adam Blair
- Primary Advisor: Adam Blair
- Phi Theta Kappa
- Primary Advisor: Adam Blair
- Primary Advisor: Adam Blair
- PRIDE Club
- Primary Advisors: Adam Blair & Mark Chandler
- Primary Advisors: Adam Blair & Mark Chandler
- STEM Club
- Primary Advisor: Mei Jones
- Primary Advisor: Mei Jones
- Student Government Association
- Primary Advisor: Laura Ivy
Learn more about each organization by visiting:
To start of new club or organization, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Chad Phillips, Dean of Student Affairs & Registrar, by email or calling 270-831-9614.
Glossary of Terms
A & S - Arts and Science Building
A/T - Academic Technical Building
Academic Advising - A meeting between a student and an advisor to plan academic, personal and career
goals as they relate to the college experience. Students may or may not register at
the same time.
Academic Bankruptcy - A process to allow returning students to include previously passed course credit
hours within their grade point average (for KCTCS degrees), while ignoring previous
failing grades in the computation. Students are eligible for bankruptcy after: (1)
a two year or more break in KCTCS enrollment, AND (2) completion of at least 12 hours
of non-developmental classes with a GPA of 2.0 or higher after readmission. Check
with the institution to which you plan to transfer before declaring Academic Bankruptcy.
Some colleges will not accept bankrupted classes.
Academic Calendar - A list of important dates and information for the student, including:
- Last day to enroll.
- First day of classes.
- Last day to withdraw without instructor permission.
- Additional flagged dates within the semester calendar (breaks, holidays).
Academic Program Coordinator - Faculty administrator of an academic program.
Academic Program Plan - The Academic Program Plan is designed to ensure students take courses that will
fulfill the requirements for their degree. An electronic document to record courses
a student has completed and those they plan to take:
ACT - American College Testing
ADM - Administration Building
AP Exam - Advanced Placement Exam
Audit a Class - A student may choose to register and attend a class but will not receive a grade
for that class. The student pays full tuition for auditing a class. A student may
elect to change any class from credit to audit until the midterm date listed in the
academic calendar. This change is not reversible and the audited course is not counted
in the student’s GPA or towards fulfillment of a major.
Blackboard - A computer platform from which students can take online classes, get course information
and communicate with their instructors.
Block Transfer - Kentucky public colleges are obligated to accept General Education courses from
any other Kentucky public college when the student is
- Category certified: Student has completed enough of one category to meet the sending institution’s requirements: Communications, History/ Humanities, Social Interaction, Quantitative Reasoning, and Science.
- Gen Ed certified: A student has completed 33 hours of specific general education classes. Students who have received credits previous to Fall 2000 must request Gen Ed Certification in writing when they request a transcript be sent to a four-year college.
Career Services- A free service committed to providing assistance in the areas of career counseling
and the job search process to students, alumni and community members.
Class Number- A four or five digit number assigned to each course and recognized by the computer
during registration. Sometimes called the PeopleSoft number or course number. A Class
Number is required for adding or dropping classes.
CPE- Council on Postsecondary Education: State organization that oversees all of public
higher education in the state of Kentucky.
Credit Hour- The term used to describe the relative class time spent in a course. Most courses
are 3 credit hours and meet a minimum of 2 ½
hours per week. Labs may be 1 or more credit hours and meet for longer periods of
Course Prefix- The letters in the department number which Identify the academic department that
is offering the course. For example, ENG courses are part of the English Department.
Division Chair- Faculty/administrator of an academic division.
Department Number/Course Name- The course prefix and number attached to a specific named course. (ENG 101 is also
called Writing I.)
Accessibility/Disabilities Services- Here to meet the needs of students with disabilities and ensure equal access and
full participation in post-secondary education.
Divisions- Allied Health / Humanities, Social Sciences and Mathematics / Science and Technology
Dual Credit- A program allowing you to receive credit for both college and high school requirements.
Elective Courses/Elective- Courses (numbered 100 or higher) that can be chosen from the catalog to fulfill
additional requirements toward a degree. Courses may be designated “program specific
electives” which are part of a particular program or “general electives” which may
apply to different programs offered by the college.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) - The financial aid application completed by the student, and the student’s parents
if applicable, that collects household and financial information. Any student applying
for Financial Aid must complete the FAFSA for needs analysis.
General Education Courses- A list of courses that have been approved by the Kentucky Community and Technical
College System (KCTCS) faculty as fulfilling requirements within academic majors.
Courses designated as general education may fulfill required course requirements as
well as elective requirements. General education courses will transfer to all Kentucky
public colleges and universities as described in the block transfer agreements.
GRADD- Green River Area Development District
Grade Point Average (GPA) - The number determined after dividing all the grade points / quality points by the
number of credit hours taken by a student. A Grade Point Average can range from 0.0
to 4.0.
Graduation Application- A form a student submits during the last semester of coursework which allows students
to receive earned credentials: a degree; diploma; or certificate.
HCC/ HEC- Henderson Community College
HESI A2 exam- Entrance Exam used by the nursing program as a tool to help screen applicants
Hybrid Class- A course in which students spend part of their time in a regular classroom and part
of course content is online.
Internet (On-line) Course- A course taken completely on the Internet. Students submit assignments and take
exams electronically online through Blackboard. These courses have no in-classroom
seat time and Some courses require proctored exams on campus.
KCTCS- Kentucky Community and Technical College System
Kentucky Education Excellence Scholarship (KEES) - This scholarship is administered by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority
(KHEAA) to students who are recent Kentucky high school graduates. The scholarship
awards are based primarily on high school GPA and/or ACT scores. Convicted felons
are ineligible. (www.KHEAA.com)
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority - An agency created in 1966 to monitor and improve the quality of Kentucky education.
The agency is instrumental in administering programs that financially assist Kentucky
students. (www.KHEAA.com)
KYOTE - A computerized assessment exam used to determine skill level in mathematics.
LIB - Library
Orientation - A meeting prior to enrollment in which new students receive information about HCC,
set up accounts and register for classes.
PAC - Preston Arts Center
Paired Classes - Courses that are joined together. A student must register in both classes. Examples
include a lecture class paired with a lab or workshop; these are generally courses
in the same subject such as math or science. Paired classes may also include courses
paired for instructors to co-teach. The courses that are joined together will have
a “P” in the section number.
Pass/Fail - Classes in which the grade is a P or F, not an A, B, C, D or E. If Pass/Fail is
selected, 100-level or above classes will not be included in a student’s Grade Point
Average, but may count towards a degree (see HCC catalog).
Prerequisite - A course or courses a student must complete before taking another course. The course
description in the KCTCS Catalog lists the pre-requisites. Example: ENG 101 is prerequisite
to ENG 102.
Proctored Exam - An exam given on campus and monitored by a college employee.
PS - PeopleSoft: Data management software/platform for all college business (registration,
payments, records, etc.).
Purge - An administrative process where students who have not settled their bills by the
tuition deadline MAY have their class schedules and bills cancelled by the college.
Students who do not withdraw before classes start will be held responsible for payment
for the classes even if they do not attend.
QEP - Quality Enhancement Plan: A five year plan mandated by the Southern Association
of Colleges and Schools (SACS), the college’s accrediting body, focused on one area
of student success.
Quality Points/Grade Points - The number on the transcript that repre-sents the number of credit hours for a class
multiplied by the number assigned to the grade received. Example: a student who received
an A, four points, in a three credit hour class will receive 12 quality points for
that class. Formula: Grade points x credit hours=quality points/grade points.
R2T4 - Return to Title Four: Federal financial aid dollars that need to be returned to
the Federal government because students receiving aid did not attend classes for a
prescribed amount of time.
Ready to Work - Designed to promote the success of low income parents who attend community and technical
colleges in Kentucky.
Registration/Enrollment - Students sign up for classes and create a schedule appropriate for their academic
major or academic goal. First-year, returning and transfer students must consult an
Academic Advisor prior to registration. Once students register, they are agreeing
to settle their bill by the tuition deadline printed in the academic calendar or to
withdraw before classes begin.
SACSCOC - SACSCOC- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools: The regional accrediting
body for HCC .
SAP - Satisfactory Academic Progress: A measure used for FA to deter-mine if students
receiving FA satisfactorily complete a set percentage of credit hours in order to
maintain their eligibility..
STC - Sullivan Technology Center
Section Number - A four-digit number giving detailed information about a specific class, including
location, time, and the campus on which the course is taught.
Student Identification Number - The 9-digit number assigned to each student. Students need this number to access
the PeopleSoft system, Student Self Service, and registration. This number may also
be referred to as Empl ID.
Transcript - A student’s complete academic history at a specific college. It lists semesters
of attendance, courses attempted, grades, and Grade Point Average. Official Transcripts
are printed on special paper by a college and are delivered in an unopened envelope
or by electronic exchange to a new college or an employer.
Transcript Evaluation - A College reviews courses a student has taken at another accredited college that
can be used toward a certification/degree at that college.
Tuition Deadline - When students must pay for tuition and fees for the semester.
Voc Rehab - The Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation assists Kentuckians with disabilities
to achieve suitable employment and inde-pendence.
Veteran’s Services - The Department of Veterans Affairs educational benefits are designated to provide
eligible individuals with an opportunity for educational and career growth.
Web-Enhanced Course - A course that meets in a classroom, but utilizes the learning “portal” Blackboard
to some extent. This may include completing assignments, contributing to class discussions,
or simply offering the ability to view class information online. Being able to access
the internet is necessary when taking a web enhanced course.
Academic Calendar
HCC's academic calendar can be found at Academic Calendar
Campus Map

HCC CAMPUS Building Key
ADM - Hecht S. Lackey Administration Building
A&S - Robert English Arts and Sciences Building
A/T - Academic Technical Building
PAC - Preston Arts Center
LIB - Joseph M. Hartfield Library
STC - William L. Sullivan Technology Center
WLD - Welding Building