From Handshake to Hired: Alexis Wright's Journey to Success
Thanks to Handshake, recent Business Administration graduate Alexis Wright has already
locked in a job! Handshake, a career development platform used by HCC, connects students
with employers for internships, and job opportunities tailored to their interests
and skills.
Her journey to this job began in the fall semester when she diligently completed her Handshake profile and uploaded her resume. Little did Alexis know this proactive step would set the stage for a significant career opportunity. A representative from Heritage Federal Credit Union saw her profile and encouraged her to apply for a customer service position within their organization. And the rest, as they say, is history. Alexis nailed her interview and landed the job!
As she prepared to graduate and embark on this new chapter of her life, Alexis was
filled with gratitude for the support she received from HCC and excited about the
opportunities that lie ahead. “I would recommend HCC to anyone looking to further
their education,” Alexis said. “HCC offers a broad range of degrees and certificates,
plus it’s affordable and everyone is friendly and super helpful.”
Alexis, who is a mother of 8 and a soon-to-be grandma, was able to complete all her classes online. She is the first person in her family to earn a degree, something her father would be immensely proud of. He unfortunately recently passed away and was not be able to see her walk across the stage, but he was there in spirit, thanks to her custom-designed mortar board honoring him.
“My favorite memories from HCC are being part of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society and going to its regional conventions,” she shared. “I was also thrilled to receive help stretching my family’s food budget with the help of the Care Center, HCC’s food pantry.”
In addition to her new job with Heritage Federal, Alexis plans to continue her education
at the Murray State University Henderson campus.
Alexis's story is a shining example of how seizing opportunities, networking, and utilizing campus resources can pave the way for a successful transition from student to professional.