Tobacco-Free Campus
This change in policy follows practice at all KCTCS campuses to help ensure the health of students, faculty, and staff. HCC is focused on wellness and offers walking spaces and a fitness center for our students; this new policy supports this initiative.
According to the American Lung Association, 246 colleges and universities in the nation are completely tobacco-free. More than 200 other higher education institutions are smoke free, and many more are considering limitations on tobacco use on campus.
Q1 ~ When did the tobacco-free policy go into effect?
A1 ~ May 11, 2015 for all Henderson Community College campuses.
Q2 ~ What does tobacco-free mean?
A2 ~ The use of tobacco products of any kind is prohibited on all property owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled by Henderson Community College. This includes, but is not limited to, college buildings and structures, grounds, parking lots, walkways, sidewalks, and college owned vehicles.
Q3 ~ Who is affected by this policy?
A3 ~ Respecting the policy is everyone's business and applies to all employees, visitors, students, vendors, and contractors.
Q4 ~ What is considered a tobacco product and therefore prohibited by the policy?
A4 ~ The following products considered prohibited include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, snuff, water pipes, pipes, hookahs, chew, and any other non-combustible tobacco product.
Q5 ~ Can I use tobacco in my personal vehicle while on campus?
A5 ~ Students, faculty, staff and suppliers who use any tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, may smoke or chew in their cars as long as no smoke, ash or butts escape from the car.
Q6 ~ Are other colleges tobacco-free?
A6 ~ Yes. All 16 colleges in the Kentucky Community and Technical College System join the rest of colleges and universities in Kentucky and more than 1400 other United States college and universities with smoke- or tobacco-free policies.
Q7 ~ What should I say to someone who is violating the tobacco-free policy?
A7 ~ Faculty, staff, and students who see individuals using tobacco products on college property should respectfully inform these individuals of the policy prohibiting tobacco use anywhere on college grounds.
Q8 ~ Why are e-cigarettes included in this policy?
A8 ~ The FDA has the authority to regulate e-cigarettes as a tobacco product.
Q9 ~ How will the tobacco-free policy be enforced?
A9 ~ As with other college policies, compliance is an expectation for all employees, students, and visitors. Initial enforcement will involve education, awareness, intervention and referral for smoking cessation support. Progressive disciplinary procedures will then be used as necessary and appropriate for violations. It should also be noted that it is considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Q10 ~ What should I say to someone I see violating the policy?
A10 ~The following are suggesting scripted messages others are encouraged to say when they see someone violating the policy:
Example Script #1:
Situation: You see a person using tobacco products on HCC property.
Response: "Hello, my name is _______, and I am an (employee, student) here at Henderson Community
College. I want to make you aware that we are now a tobacco-free campus, meaning that
tobacco products are prohibited on our grounds. We would appreciate if you would not
use tobacco products while visiting our campus. Thank you for your cooperation."
Example Script #2:
Question: "Where am I allowed to smoke?"
Response: "Smoking and other tobacco products are not allowed anywhere on the campus. You
must move outside the campus boundaries to smoke. This is a new policy, put in place
on May 11th, meant to promote better health in our students and employees. If you
need to smoke or use tobacco products you will need to leave the campus.
Example Script #3:
For Suppliers and Visitors: "I'd like to let you know in advance that HCC is going to be a tobacco-free environment
as of May 11th. Use of tobacco products will not be permitted on any property, grounds,
or parking areas.
Example Script #4:
For registration, pre-admission, and office staff who are speaking to students and
families prior to a campus visit: "I'd like to let you know in advance that HCC is going to be a tobacco-free environment
as of May 11th. Use of tobacco products will not be permitted on any property, grounds,
or parking areas.