Do you need to:
• Develop new workplace skills?
• Sharpen old skills?
• Build your resume with hands-on experience?
• Develop priceless contacts?
Volunteering pays more than you think!
For more information contact:
HCC Career Services
Angie Watson
Career Services Coordinator
STC 225
American Red Cross |
The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. The Red Cross is a charitable organization - not a government agency. They depend on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform their humanitarian mission. Contact: Beth Sweeney, Executive Director for Southwest Chapter: 812-471-7200; beth.sweeney3@redcross.org and https://www.redcross.org/local/indiana.html. Volunteer opportunities: Blood Donor Ambassador, Transportation Specialist, Disaster Action Team, Volunteer from Home (virtual positions available) Office help, Outreach team, and many more. Internship opportunities available as well. Connect locally by emailing RedCrossRecruitsIN@redcross.org or calling 888-684-1441. In addition, browse https://volunteerconnection.redcross.org/?nd=rco_opportunity_browse_list. Develop new skills, professional experience, and establish work-related references. |
AmeriCorps |
The AmeriCorps, Senior Connections program is designed to provide direct services to seniors that will assist in reducing food insecurity, enabling them to remain independent and improve upon their quality of life. AmeriCorps members will serve 1,700 hours over the course of one year and receive a living allowance of $18,700. Members who successfully complete their 1,700 hours of service become eligible for a $7,395 Education Award. Members also receive a limited, no cost health care benefit if not already covered and not eligible for Medicaid. Contact: Brad Alley at 270-926-4433 or email: bradalley@gradd.com. Recruit new members in July and August to start in September each year. |
Big Brothers / Big Sisters of the Southwestern Indiana | Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Indiana serves Henderson County, one of its six serviced areas. BBBSSWI’s mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported, one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. As a Big Brother or Big Sister, you can meet with your "Little" as a part of our "Community Based" program by doing activities you both enjoy together, such as playing at a park, seeing a movie, catching a football, or baking. BBBSSWI requires you see your "Little" 2 times a month for at least 3 hours. As a part of our "Site Based" program, you meet your Little once a week at their school to enjoy lunch together, talk, work on homework, play games or on the playground. BBBSSWI asks for a firm one-year commitment for all programs. Those few hours a month can create measurable impacts and a great difference in the child and the Henderson Community. To Start Something Big, contact our office at 812-425-6076 or visit http://www.mentoringkids.org |
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) |
Advocate for the best interests of a child in the Family Court system due to abuse, neglect or dependency. CASA volunteers donate their time to act as the independent eyes and ear of the court, investigate in the field and speak solely in the interest of the child. Volunteer court advocates must be 21 years old and complete required training. Located at 230 Second Street, Suite 410, The Citi Center, Henderson, KY. Contact: Amy Hawk, volunteer coordinator at 270-957-5044 or ahawk@midwestcasa.org. |
Deaconess Henderson Volunteer Services |
Volunteering in healthcare provides special opportunities for learning and caring at a time when people need you the most. See current opportunities at https://www.deaconess.com/For-You/Donors-and-Volunteers/Volunteer or call the Volunteer Manager at 812-450-2235. |
4 Good Community | Programs aimed at providing relief and upliftment to communities. Programs include: disaster relief, community upliftment, school outreach, and our local food bank and resource center. Together we hope to better empower, enrich, and uplift families all over. Contact: Kyle Duckworth, 812-449-3026, kyle@4goodcommunity.org. Volunteers needed Mon-Fri 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Every volunteer earns credit to shop at our Give-To-Get Center. |
Habitat for Humanity of Henderson |
Building Houses, Building Hope, and Building Communities. Habitat for Humanity builds safe, decent, and affordable houses for families and individuals that are a part of Henderson County Community. We are always accepting skilled, and nonskilled volunteers in the offices, ReStore, and on build sites. If you are interested in helping better your community reach out to Crystal Butler Email: crystal@hendersonhabitat.org. Phone: 270-826-0015. |
Healing Reins of Kentucky, Inc. |
Provides Equine Assisted Services to the community. Multiple volunteer positions open for a therapeutic horse riding center that assists individuals with special needs in meeting their full potential through interaction with horses. Details found at http://www.healingreinsky.org or email horsesheal1@gmail.com. Phone: 270-854-3150. |
Henderson Co. Extension Office |
Delivers information, education, and solutions by growing ideas into better communities, stronger local economies, and healthier lives. Contact: 270-826-8387. Volunteer opportunities: Share your time, energy and talent with the youth of our county by assisting in teaching projects such as sewing, arts & crafts, cooking, small engines, electricity, cooking… |
Henderson Co. School System |
For information about volunteer opportunities within the Henderson County School System, contact Community Relations Coordinator, Jenny Richmond at jenny.richmond@henderson.kyschools.us. |
Humane Society of Henderson |
Strives to find homes for the unwanted animals in Henderson County. Contact by phone: 270-826-8966 or email: info@hshcky.org. There are many volunteer opportunities involved with animals and also areas in fundraising and office work. Volunteers are also needed at adoption events. |
Junior Achievement |
Non-profit organization that partners with volunteers from the community to provide elementary, middle and high school students with financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship programs. Volunteers typically conduct 5-6 classroom visits, each lasting 30-45 min., to present the JA program. Contact: Autumne Baker 270-684-7291, autumne.a.baker@ja.org. Organization’s website is http://westky.ja.org. Volunteer opportunities at the Kindergarten, 3rd grade or middle school levels at all Henderson County Schools as well as Holy Name. Perfect opportunity for volunteers wanting “in-classroom” experience. |
KY Adult Education | Provides College-level coursework and basic skills review, English Language Learner, TABE diagnostic assessments for pre-employment testing and preparation and administration of the KY Paraeducator Assessment. Contact: 270-831-9649, Ky Adult Education at Henderson Community College. Volunteers needed to assist struggling readers and offer office support. |
Marsha's Place PRC | Provides pregnancy testing, ultra-sounds, options counseling, exclusive maternity & baby boutique, health and adoption referrals, family counseling and coaching, parenting and relationship classes, healing after abortion groups, STI testing and treating and more! All services are free and confidential. Contact: 270-826-9674, http://www.marshasplaceprc.org. Find Volunteer information at the bottom of the page Under “Get Involved”. |
Matthew 25 AIDS Services |
The mission of Matthew 25 AIDS Services is to support, educate and treat those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Contact: Rachel Trout, rtrout@matthew25clinic.org. Volunteer opportunities: Volunteers are needed throughout the year to assist with fundraising events and students may assist Prevention/Health Educator Team on outreach projects. There are great opportunities for students or individuals seeking information and/or some practical experience in Public Health, Nursing, Social Work, etc. Job shadowing or internships are offered in the areas of Nursing, Medical Assisting and Social Work. |
New Beginnings Sexual Assault Support Services |
Services include crisis counseling, therapy, referrals, medical advocacy, and legal advocacy for those directly impacted by sexual victimization, as well as educational and awareness programs for our entire community. Services at New Beginnings are free to everyone in the GRADD service region. Contact: sheila@nbowensboro.org. Volunteer opportunities: areas such 24-hour Crisis Line Coverage, Accompaniment to hospitals, police stations, and court, Crisis Counseling, Community Education Programs, General Office Help, Fundraisers and Special Events and Board Member. https://nbowensboro.org/volunteer/. |
Redbanks Skilled Nursing Center |
Volunteers are an important part of everyday life for residents at Redbanks. Contact: Activities Director at 270-826-6436. Volunteer opportunities: deliver mail, arts and crafts, go on outings, hand massages and manicures, read to the residents, help with Bingo, decorate for parties, assist with activities and much more. |
Salvation Army | Volunteer opportunities: Assist with sorting and stocking in the family thrift store and food pantry. Occasional
openings for volunteer office work and soup kitchen. For those at least 18 years old who complete a training program can work with the
children and youth program. Contact: 270-826-4472. Volunteer website is https://southernusa.salvationarmy.org/Henderson/volunteer. |
Shelter for Women & Children | Temporary and transitional shelter for women and children who are homeless. Counseling, referral sources and education are offered in a safe environment. Contact: 270-830-8063. Volunteer opportunities: Assistance needed with tutoring children after school and working with crafts. |
St. Anthony’s Hospice | St. Anthony’s Hospice, in partnership with the community, seeks to maximize the quality and dignity of life for individuals facing life-limiting illnesses. Through a holistic approach, our professional team is honored to guide and empower patients, families, and caregivers during life’s most sacred journey. Contact: 270-826-2326. Volunteer opportunities: Patient Care Team including: Respite Care and Visits with Patients, Office Tasks, Special Projects such as Children Bereavement Camp Support. Valuable experience for nursing, healthcare, social work students and others desiring direct opportunities to serve others and impact lives. St. Anthony’s Hospice assists patients and families in Henderson, Union and Webster counties in their home, nursing home, assisted living facility and Lucy Smith King Care Center. |
The Chloe Randolph Organization |
The Chloe Randolph Organization, in partnership with local community and City/County/State Officials, seeks to bring domestic violence awareness to all by providing an advocacy center, safe housing, and education to victims, survivors and their families. Services offered: crisis intervention, case management, court advocacy, community awareness, temporary shelter, support groups, education classes, and community resources. Services are free and confidential to all. Contact: 270-830-9439 or email kristie@thechloerandolph.org. Volunteer opportunities: Administrative/Clerical, Events/Community Activities, Donations Pick-Up, Fundraising, and Support Staff. After hours emergency line: 270-577-4086. |
The Answer Center | Clothing and household ministry to community individuals in need. Volunteer opportunities include sorting of donated items and assisting on 2 Saturdays each month anytime between 8:30 –11 a.m. Contact: Rev. Jeff Burke, Director at 270-860-3182 or leave message at 270-827-9888. |
United Way of Henderson County | United Way improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the
world to advance the common good. United Way, Ohio Valley & Henderson: Dial 211.
Provides local assistance with areas such as shelter, food/meals, healthcare, utilities,
mental health, substance abuse, legal services, Education. For volunteer opportunities, contact: 270-826-2107. https://www.uwofhc.org/our-work |
Volunteer & Information Center |
Serves as an advocate and catalyst for volunteerism, links people with community resources and tracks information on services provided by community service agencies in our community. Contact: 270-831-2273, Susan Sauls, executive director, susan@volunteerhenderson.org. |
Henderson Area Arts Alliance |
INTERNSHIPS Internship with the Henderson Area Arts Alliance - located in the Preston Arts Center on HCC's campus. www.haaa.org. This unpaid internship is an excellent opportunity for a motivated, self-starting individual interested in performing arts center management, booking artists, event planning, general marketing and promotion of the arts, fundraising and the inner workings of an arts management career. Working knowledge of MIcrosoft Word and Excel, capable of multi-tasking and be organized and a creative problem solver. Interested individuals should send their resume, qualifications and why they would like to be invited to intern with HAAA to Kensington Eck, kensington.eck@haaa.org or call HAAA at 270-826-5916. Volunteer Usher for live performances for the the Henderson Area Arts Alliance located in the Preston Arts Center on HCC's campus. Ushers help direct patrons and get to see the live performances for free! Ushers must be available one hour prior to the performance and up to 20 minutes after. Ushers can select which performance they would like to volunteer for by contacting Kensington Eck, at kensington.eck@haaa.org |
KY Energy & Environment
Court Designated Workers |
Interested in careers dealing with the Environment, Natural Resources, Energy Sources? Paid Internship opportunities each semester with the KY Energy & Environment Cabinet within the Department for Natural Resources, Environmental Protection, and more. Aside from shadowing staff, intern duties include reviewing and processing data, working on presentations, and file management. Gain great experience for building a resume. For details on current opportunities, visit KY Energy & Environment at https://eec.ky.gov/Pages/Internships.aspx In Kentucky, Court Designated Workers process complaints against juveniles under age 18, giving CDWs the opportunity to help thousands of children and teens every year. Current college students studying Criminal Justice, Psychology, and Social Work are welcome to apply for an unpaid internship, which includes observing meetings with clients, assisting with monitoring diversion terms of clients, performing CDW office clerical functions, and other assigned duties. Flexible hours Monday- Friday, 8 am -4 pm. HCC students interested in participating or learning more, please contact Angie Watson, HCC Career Services Coordinator at angie.watson@kctcs.edu or 270-831-9671. |
Volunteer Guide Update: 8/2024