General Education Competency Statements
Students should prepare for twenty-first century challenges by gaining:
A. Knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural worlds through study in
the sciences and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and
the arts.
B. Intellectual and practical skills, including
- inquiry and analysis
- critical and creative thinking
- written and oral communication
- quantitative literacy
- information literacy
- teamwork and problem solving
C. Personal and social responsibility, including
- civic knowledge and engagement (local and global)
- ethical reasoning and action
- foundations and skills for lifelong learning
D. Integrative and applied learning, including synthesis and advanced accomplishment
across general and specialized skills.
The faculty of Henderson Community College have defined these competencies with a
series of measurable Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). Each SLO has a rubric which
describes the criteria for determining the level of student performance for the outcome.
Click on the links below to view the SLOs and rubrics.
Kentucky's Statewide General Education Student Learning Outcomes are mapped to the
American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Liberal Education for America's
Promise (LEAP) Essential Learning Outcomes as a guiding vision and national benchmarks
for college learning and liberal education in the 21st Century.