What is Braves2HCC?
Braves2HCC is a community-funded scholarship program that provides Union County High School seniors who have completed all the Braves2HCC requirements scholarship options at Henderson Community College.
How are Union County students enrolled in the Braves2HCC program?
Students are automatically enrolled as freshmen unless an opt-out form is signed by a parent or guardian.
What are the qualifications for the Braves2HCC program?
Students must maintain a 2.5 Grade Point Average (GPA) each year of high school, attend 95% of classes during their high school career, and have no major disciplinary matters (level 3 or level 4 infractions) to qualify for scholarships funds.
Can a student who transfers into the Union County system enroll in Braves2HCC after
the enrollment period is expired?
Yes. Transfer students or home school students who transfer to Union County High School anytime during the 4 years of high school will be asked to provide documents from an accredited institution with attendance logs which will be reviewed by the appeals committee for participation in Braves2HCC scholarship program.
Can these funds be used for technical training?
Yes, scholarship funds may be used at any post-secondary institution, in- or out-of-state.
What is required when the student attends college?
The student must maintain a 2.5 college grade point average.
How many scholarship dollars are available and how is it paid?
There is a maximum of $4,000 of scholarship funds per student while at HCC. While at HCC, up to $1000/term, fall and spring terms (total value $2,000) is applied to the student’s tuition fees at HCC after all other aid and scholarships are applied.
How does HCC know to apply the funds?
The HCC Financial Aid Office works with UCHS staff as students enroll at HCC to document recipients.
Once the Braves2HCC student graduates from HCC, will more scholarship funds be available
for transfer to university?
Yes, so long as that student continues to meet the requirements of the Braves2HCC scholarship criteria, they will be entitled to up $4,000 of scholarships funds but must apply to Braves2HCC/Union County.
Will my donation(s) to Braves2HCC be tax deductible and matched?
Yes. The College Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Every dollar donated is tax deductible and is matched through the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS).