Satisfactory Academic Progress | HCC


HCC's campus will be closed on Wednesday, February 19th. Faculty and staff will be working remotely to assist students.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Federal regulations mandate that a student receiving financial aid under Title IV programs must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in his/her course of study regardless of whether financial aid is awarded each semester.

Students are responsible for understanding and adhering to the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements. This is will be measured at the end of each term for all students

Satisfactory Academic Progress is measured with the following standards:

  • Qualitative (cumulative Grade Point Average)
  • Quantitative (67% Rule Earned hours divided by Attempted Hours
  • Maximum Time Frame (150% of required hours for program completion)

Please review the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy for more detailed descriptions of these measures and how they affect your financial aid eligibility.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeals

Failure to meet SAP requirements for two consecutive terms will result in the suspension of financial aid.  Students may submit an appeal to continue receiving financial aid once it is suspended.  A documentable extenuating circumstance and an acceptable resolution must be provided for the appeal to be approved.Extenuating circumstances than CAN be approved (not an exhaustive list):

Death of an immediate family member or person who share the student's household (parent, spouse or significant other, sibling, child)

Issues related to/resulting from a divorce for parent or student

  • Injury or illness to student or immediate family member (parent, spouse or significant other, sibling, child) that required hospitalization, convalescence in an institutional setting or confinement at home for at least seven (7) days

Reasons that CANNOT be approved (not an exhaustive list):

  • Lack of readiness/maturity/commitment
  • The difficulty of a course
  • The teaching method or dislike of an instructor
  • Too many hours attempted in a semester/overloaded
  • Schedule conflicts with work or other commitments
  • Promises to perform better in the future
  • The length of time since last attended
  • Voluntary change in work hours

Please note these lists are not exhaustive. The SAP Appeals Committee will review each appeal and has discretion to determine if each circumstance meets the requirements for approval. Committee decisions are not appealable, and are final.

To appeal, complete the steps below:

  1. Complete the Online SAP Appeal in PeopleSoft Student Self Service by clicking on the Online SAP Appeal link in the Financial Aid section.
  2. Meet with an advisor and complete an Academic Plan of Action, and submit to the Financial Aid Office. View the instructional video on how to complete and submit the Academic Plan of Action.
    1. Over the summer (after the end of the spring term and before fall classes begin) you will meet with a Start Center Advisor.
    2. During the standard terms you will meet with your assigned academic advisor.
  3. Provide documentation to support your extenuating circumstance to the Financial Aid Office.  Documentation must be specific, and address the circumstance that occurred during the term you failed to meet SAP.  Once received, the committee can then start the appeal review. 

NOTE: Incomplete appeals will not be approved. The Online SAP Appeal, Academic Plan of Action, and supporting documentation are all required.

You will receive notification of the committee decision in your PeopleSoft under Finances/SAP Appeal Confirmation and via your KCTCS email account within 10 business days.