Bookstore Accounts
How do I use my Financial Aid at the Bookstore?
Because aid disbursement does not occur until at least 30 days into the semester, the HCC Bookstore allows students to purchase books and supplies with a bookstore account for a limited time, typically through the week prior to and the first week of classes for the standard terms.
Please contact the HCC Bookstore for the dates for the term you for which you wish to use your bookstore account.
NOTE: BOOKSTORE operating hours ARE:
Mon - Thurs 9am - 4pm
Fri 9am - 12pm
The contact for the bookstore is as follows:
Sabrina Delfrate
Location Manager
E: SM056@bncollege.com
P: 270-831-9781
To be eligible for a bookstore account, you must:
- Have more anticipated aid than the cost of tuition and fees for the term.
- Complete a Financial Aid Release (FAR) authorizing HCC to release the amount of anticipated aid to the Bookstore. This only has to be done the first time you use the bookstore account, though it can be rescinded.
- Meet Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards and not have your aid in a SUSPENDED status.
- Not have any past due balances with the college.
By charging books you agree to authorize Henderson Community College to deduct any and all indebtedness that you have at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore from any type of financial assistance you receive. In order to process the deductions, you consent to the release to the HCC Bookstore of necessary information from my student financial assistance records.
The amount you charge at the bookstore is placed on your student account as a bookstore charge and subtracted from your financial aid refund, if eligible.
If you have questions regarding bookstore accounts please contact the HCC Financial Aid Office at (855) 464-2244, or through the Go KCTCS! Student Services Center.