Board of Directors | HCC

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Henderson Community College is appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and serves four functions:

  1. Recommends candidates for the community college President when the position is vacant.
  2. Evaluates the community college president and advises the Chancellor of the president's performance.
  3. Approves budget requests for recommendation to KCTCS.
  4. Adopts and amends an annual operating budget and submits it through appropriate channels to the Board of Regents of KCTCS.

The Henderson Community College directors are (FY 2023):

Ms. Jennifer M. Keach
Appointed Term Expires: 12/06/2025

Colonel Dwight E. Williams, USA, Ret. *
Appointed Term Expires: 12/06/2023

Ms. Jennifer P. Andrews *
Appointed Term Expires: 04/24/2029

Dorsey Ridley
Appointed Term Expires: 07/09/2029

Mr. Eric Dean Gardner *
Appointed Term Expires: 12/06/2024

Mr. Ty Ward Rideout *
Appointed Term Expires: 12/06/2023

Mr. Patrick "Keegan" O'Daniel
Appointed Term Expires: 12/06/2025

Ms. Lorie Maltby
Faculty Representative
Term Expires: 06/30/2025

Ms. Tracy Sword *
Staff Representative
Term Expires: 06/30/2025

Dr. Jason Warren
President/CEO Henderson Community College
2660 S Green Street
Henderson, KY 42420
Office: 270-831-9626



*HCC Alumni