Performance-Based Funding Score Card Fiscal Year 2019-2020 | HCC


HCC's campus will be closed on Wednesday, February 19th. Faculty and staff will be working remotely to assist students.

Performance-Based Funding Score Card Fiscal Year 2019-2020

What is Performance-Based Funding?
The performance-based funding model is detailed in Senate Bill 153 and started in
2017-2018. Five percent of state allocation funding was initially tied to performancebased
funding metrics established in this bill with the expectation that the funding level
distributed would increase in following years. Expectation is state appropriation funding
(other than funding tied to mandated programs or debt services on bonds) will be
distributed through performance funding.

Senate Bill 153 established two formulas based on performance metrics that determines
the funding distribution. The first formula distributes funding allocations for public 4-year
institutions, and the second formula determines funding allocations for the 2-year colleges
of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. The metrics for these models
fall into three main categories: 35% Student Success, 35% Course Completion, and 30%
Operational Components.

How does this data impact my budget?
In order to plan annual budgets and use approved final data, performance funding
distribution for Four-Year Universities and KCTCS are calculated using the last complete
academic year outcomes. In preparing the budgets, performance funding distribution for
colleges and universities is calculated using data and performance outcomes from the
academic year two years prior to the current academic year. For example, 2018-19 budget
is based on 2016-17 academic year data.

What is a college score card?
A score card is the detailed look at your college’s data performance-based funding model
with analysis to show reductions or increases in funding.