On behalf of the entire CARE (Campus Assessment Response & Evaluation) Team, formerly known as BAT (Behavioral Assessment Team), welcome!

Title Email Phone
Angie Watson Career Services Coordinator; education with emphasis in counseling angie.watson@kctcs.edu 270-831-9671

The CARE Team is committed to the promotion of safety at HCC by providing a centralized, coordinated, caring, developmental intervention process for students who engage in concerning, disruptive, and/or potentially harmful behavior.


  • Educate the campus community on how to recognize concerning behavior and how to report it.
  • Demonstrate to faculty and staff how they can assist students of concern by providing clear communication and procedures to follow in the classroom as well as promote acceptable campus behavior.
  • Build strong working relationships with local community agencies and provide current resource information to the campus community.


  • Serve as a Point of Contact for the campus community for concerning behavior.
  • Assess the threat level for students of concern and review all submitted Behavior Report Forms.
  • Develop behavior plans for individual students who have engaged in concerning/disruptive behaviors.
  • Follow up with students and reporting individuals to ensure the appropriate resources are deployed effectively and/or student behavior plan is being followed.
  • Schedule additional follow-up with students on an as-needed basis.

When and how to refer students with concerning behavior:

Behavior: Classroom Management
Instructor's Role
Care Team's Role
Student is inappropriately using cell phone, tablet, computer, etc. during class.

Include technology policy in syllabus.

1. Ask to speak with student after class.

Student is disrespectful when disagreeing with peers and/or instructor.

Include anti-discrimination policy in syllabus.

1. Calmly remind students that HCC welcomes diverse opinions, but that civility is key.

Student refuses to participate.

Include inappropriate behaviors in syllabus.

1. Ask to speak with student after class.

2. Raise flag in Starfish.

3. If behavior escalates, consult with appropriate Program Coordinator or Division Chair to discuss intervention strategies.

Student curses or otherwise disrupts the learning environment in the classroom.

Include bullying and physical violence policy in syllabus.

1. Ask the student to leave the class.

2. If the behavior escalates, assess risk level and determine appropriate action.

3. Depending upon severity of behavior, a Behavior Report Form may be submitted if the risk level is moderate or above.

Process Behavior Report Form (if submitted).
Student threatens peers and/or instructor.

Include bullying and physical violence policy in syllabus.

1. Immediately call 911 from a campus phone.

2. Indicate to the dispatcher he/she should contact the Campus Resource Officer at HCC.

3. Relay all pertinent information to dispatcher.

4. Submit the Behavior Report Form.

Process Behavior Report
Behavior: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Instructor's Role
Care Team's Role
Student appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Include illegal drug and alcohol, etc. prohibited use policy in syllabus.

1. Ask the student to leave the class OR ask to speak with student after class.

2. Submit the Behavior Report Form.

Process Behavior Report Form
Student is not maintaining self-care (showering, brushing teeth, etc.).

1. Speak with student after class in a private setting.    

2. Refer student to the Career Services Coordinator Angie Watson.

Staff member has a concern about a student’s mental health but is not sure how to reach out to the student.

1. Speak with student after class in a private setting.      

2. Refer student to the Coordinator of Career Services, Angie Watson.

3. Depending upon severity of behavior, the Behavior Report Form may be submitted.

Process Behavior Report  Form (if submitted).
Behavior: Mental Health and Reports of Violence  Instructor's Role
Care Team's Role
Student expresses current thoughts to harm self in a paper, email, etc.  

1. Call 911 if you suspect the student is in immediate danger.

2. Respond to student with immediate resources and referrals.

3. Submit the Behavior Report Form.

Process Behavior Report Form 
Student discloses that they or someone they know has experienced violence. 

1. If someone is in immediate danger, call 911.

2. Respond to student with immediate resources and referrals.

3. Submit the Behavior Report Form.

Process Behavior Report Form 
Student discloses that they or someone they know is being stalked, or has been sexually assaulted, or is experiencing dating or domestic violence. 

1. Faculty are required to contact the Title IX Coordinator, Mr. Mike Knecht, if the sexual assault involves another student and/or occurs on campus.*

2. Faculty cannot promise to maintain a student’s confidence regarding sexual misconduct, dating violence or domestic violence but can promise privacy.

3. Submit the Behavior Report Form.

Process Behavior Report Form

*Title IX complaints, reports or concerns - Contact Mike Knecht, (270) 831-9625, ADM 114

At times student behavior may cause concern, but does not violate any code of conduct. If you don't have an established relationship with the student it can be uncomfortable to inquire further, yet unsettling to deal with the experience alone. In instances when an instructor or staff member has met with a student and during a follow-up meeting, something doesn’t feel right, but you don’t know enough about the student behavior to take an action on your own, faculty and staff are encouraged to refer the names of students who seem to be in need of further evaluation. The referral does not become part of the student’s academic records or human resources file.

The CARE Team is comprised of members of all parts of the college community, and was established to promote safety to the campus community and to provide a centralized, coordinated, caring, developmental intervention process for students and employees. Students who engage in concerning, disruptive, and/or potentially harmful behavior should be referred to the CARE Team.

The CARE team investigates and monitors the problematic behavior. Protective action can be initiated if the student presents a risk to self or others. Referral and support may be offered to the staff as well as the student, as needed. You can request feedback following your report or you may choose to report anonymously.

Through education and providing resources, the CARE Team is working to prevent problems before they occur. However, when student behavior causes serious concern, or otherwise interferes with the functioning of the class, the CARE Team is here to provide supportive outreach, monitoring for safety, and accommodations as needed. Should you need assistance to submit a Behavior Report Form or to request a consultation, email the Care Team at HN-HENCCCARETEAM-a@KCTCS.edu.

Assessing Student Risk Levels:

assessing student risk levels

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people ages 15-34 in the United States. College is a stressful time mentally, relationally, financially, and emotionally. Because of this, please report any perceived threat or danger. You may save a life.

Know the Warning Signs:

  • Talking about wanting to die or to kill themselves.
  • Looking for a way to kill themselves, like searching online or buying a gun.
  • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
  • Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.
  • Talking about being a burden to others.
  • Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.
  • Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.
  • Sleeping too little or too much.
  • Withdrawing or isolating themselves.
  • Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.
  • Extreme mood swings.

All suicide threats or gestures should be taken seriously. If a student is in imminent danger (e.g.: carrying a weapon or informing you of an immediate plan) call 911 immediately and then submit the Behavior Report Form.  The HCC Care Team can be contacted by emailing: HN-HENCCCARETEAM-a@KCTCS.EDU

All HCC employees are encouraged to store the following information in their cell phones so that it may be available if ever needed:

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text : HOME to 741-741
Spanish: (888) 628-9454

What is discrimination?
Discrimination occurs when an individual is subjected to negative or adverse treatment based on a protected characteristic that denies or limits the individual's ability to obtain educational benefits or interferes with the work environment. Examples of discrimination include a faculty member giving a student a lower grade because of the student's race, a staff person receiving a negative performance review based on gender identity or expression, or a student with a disability who does not receive approved academic accommodations.¹

Discrimination in Education

The federal government has enacted legislation that prohibits discrimination in education:

  • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and national origin
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex (including pregnancy)
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination due to disability
  • Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) also prohibits discrimination based on disability
  • Age Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits discrimination based on age

Colleges/universities found in violation of these policies risk the loss of federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.²

Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS)

Kentucky Community and Technical College System is an equal educational and
employment opportunity institution and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, gender presentation, national origin, age, disability, family medical history, or genetic information. Further, we vigilantly prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation, parental status, marital status, political affiliation, military service, or any other non-merit based factor.

Addressing the issue


Be aware of own bias.

Help students be aware of own bias
through lectures, activities, and
courageous conversations.

Participate in professional
development on topics of
diversity/inclusion, discrimination

Host professional development series for students on topics of diversity/inclusion and discrimination.

Address the issue.

Facilitate discussion and address issue.

For assistance in addressing these issues, please contact:

Amy Duncan, Human Resources Manager – amy.duncan@kctcs.edu / 270.831.9717.


¹ https://civilrights.findlaw.com/discrimination/discrimination-in-education-federal-laws.html

Anyone can experience bullying, but some factors make certain students more likely to be targeted. Bullies often focus on those who are different in some way. For example, targets of bullies might dress differently, be overweight, indulge in unpopular hobbies, be socially awkward, or have a disability. Other targets might be perceived as being too smart or too favored by an instructor. Students may also be targeted because of their race, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religious beliefs. Sometimes bullying can arise from simple jealousy or disagreements among classmates or roommates.

Bullying can be identified in three broad categories:

  • Physical — This is typically the “go-to” image of bullying in most people’s minds. It can involve physical violence, such as punching, kicking, or restraint, as well as property destruction and theft, forced consumption of alcohol or drugs, and sexual assault.
  • Verbal — Beyond name-calling and teasing, verbal bullying can involve such actions as taunting, intimidation, and threats.
  • Social/Relational — This form of bullying involves harming victims through relationships and reputation. This can include purposeful exclusion, spreading rumors, revealing secrets and fears, and public mocking.¹

Impact of Bullying

The effects of bullying can be severe. There can be long-lasting impacts on the well-being of victims as well as bullies. Even bystanders who witness bullying but don't actually participate in it can experience feelings of fear and anxiety. College students who are bullied often feel angry, helpless, lonely, frustrated, and isolated. They may have trouble sleeping or experience changes in their appetites. To escape the bullying, they might start skipping classes or avoiding social situations. The stress that results from being bullied can also cause physical issues like stomach aches, headaches, and ulcers.

Effects of Bullying

Students who are bullied may show signs of:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Learned helplessness
  • Difficulties with social relationships
  • Alcohol or drug use
  • Violence
  • Self-harm or suicidal thoughts¹

KCTCS recognizes and declares that students have certain fundamental rights which shall not be arbitrarily abridged or denied or removed without appropriate due process. Among them are the right to:

1. Learn, study, grow, and develop without fear of threats, harassment, bullying, or discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, nationality, age, religion, gender, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, or military service.²

The KCTCS Code of Student Conduct states: Bullying, which refers to substantial or repeated acts directed at a person or group of people that would cause a reasonable person to feel fearful is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

Addressing the Issue

All incidents of bullying should  be taken seriously. Refer to page 5 of the handbook.
Contact the CARE Team at HN-HENCCCARETEAM-a@KCTCS.edu if you need assistance determining the risk level.  Students who report incidents of being bullied to faculty or staff can be helped by referring him/her to the CARE Team by submitting the Behavior Report Form.

¹ The KCTCS Student Bill Of Rights Article II
² KCTCS Code of Student Conduct Section 3; Standard 2:3

According to one recent study, 85% of college students reported feeling overwhelmed while 47% felt hopeless and 58% reported feeling very lonely. The same report stated that at least 25% of college students have a diagnosable mental illness. While not every student with these types of emotional problems represent a threat to the campus, feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, and of being overwhelmed by college and other life factors combined with a relatively high incidence of mental illness, could result in increased threats to campus safety.¹

The KCTCS Code of Student Conduct states that students are in violation of the Code if the student makes “…a threat(s) of violence (including verbal, written or virtual communication) that does or could cause(s) a reasonable expectation of harm to the health or safety of a specific person.”

Know the Warning Signs:

  • Social withdrawal
  • Written or non-verbal cues of distress
  • Uncontrolled anger
  • Intolerance or prejudice
  • Intimidation or bullying of others
  • Joining a gang or hate group
  • Obsession with guns
  • Chronic discipline problems
  • Low interest in school
  • Poor academic performance
  • Drugs and/or alcohol abuse
  • Violent threats and aggressive behaviors²

If you overhear a threat being made or a threat is reported to you, assess the level of risk. If risk is deemed to be low to moderate, address in classroom or office. If you need assistance determining the risk level, contact the CARE Team at HN-HENCCCARETEAM-a@KCTCS.edu .

If the risk level is high, immediately call 911 from a campus phone² Indicate to the dispatcher he/she should contact the Campus Resource Officer³ at HCC.  Relay all pertinent information to dispatcher. Next, contact
Mr. Mike Knecht. Then, submit the Behavior Report Form.


¹ Adapted from “Assessing Threats on Campus: A Toolkit for Student Conduct Professionals”;
   https://www.theasca.org/files/Best%20Practices/ThreatAssessmentToolkit.pdf; p. 9.

² From “Assessing Threats on Campus: A Toolkit for Student Conduct Professionals”;
   https://www.theasca.org/files/Best%20Practices/ThreatAssessmentToolkit.pdf; p. 7.

³ Officers on campus MON-THUR 8AM - 2PM

In the United States, an average of 20 people experience intimate partner physical violence every minute. This equates to more than 10 million abuse victims annually.¹ On a typical day, domestic violence hotlines nationwide receive over 20,000 calls.²

Domestic violence is prevalent in every community, and affects all people regardless of age, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or nationality. Physical violence is often accompanied by emotionally abusive and controlling behavior as part of a much larger, systematic pattern of dominance and control. Domestic violence can result in physical injury, psychological trauma, and even death.³

Know the Warning Signs

Keep an eye out for things like:

  • Excuses for injuries
  • Personality changes, like low self-esteem in someone who was always confident
  • Constantly checking in with their partner
  • Never having money on hand
  • Overly worried about pleasing their partner
  • Skipping out on work, school, or social outings for no clear reason
  • Wearing clothes that don’t fit the season, like long sleeves in summer to cover bruises∞

Impact of Intimate Partner/Domestic Violence

The consequences of intimate partner/domestic violence can be profound and long-lasting. Victims of intimate partner/domestic violence may experience a variety of physical, psychological, and social problems, such as:   

  • Poor physical health;
  • Depressed mood and/or anxiety;
  • Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder;
  • Feelings of guilt or shame;
  • Increased risk of substance abuse;
  • Cardiac symptoms such as hypertension and chest pain;
  • Chronic disorders and chronic pain;
  • Gastrointestinal problems due to stress;
  • Reproductive problems;
  • Unsafe sexual behavior;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Self-harm and suicide;
  • Inability to trust others;
  • Difficulty maintaining a job∞∞

Intimate Partner/Domestic Violence Resources

National Domestic Violence Hotline – Call 1-800-799-7233 or TTY
1-800-787-3224. This hotline offers support from well-trained, caring advocates to help victims and survivors of domestic violence to find support and assistance.

ACF’s Family Violence Prevention and Services Program - The Family Violence Prevention and Services Program administers the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA), the primary federal funding stream dedicated to the support of emergency shelter and related assistance for victims of domestic violence and their children.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence: State Coalition List - A directory of state offices that can help you find local support, shelter, and free or low-cost legal services. Includes all U.S. states, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.


¹ Black, M.C., Basile, K.C., Breiding, M.J., Smith, S.G., Walters, M.L., Merrick, M.T., Chen, J. & Stevens, M. (2011). The national intimate partner and sexual violence survey: 2010 summary report. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/nisvs_report2010-a.pdf

² National Network to End Domestic Violence (2017). Domestic violence counts national summary.

³ National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Statistics Sheet, https://assets.speakcdn.com/assets/2497/domestic_violence2.pdf


∞∞ https://adaa.org/learn-from-us/from-the-experts/blog-posts/consumer/intimate-partner-violence-what-it-and-what-does

Approximately 31% of U.S. college students report symptoms of alcohol abuse while 80% of U.S. college students have abused alcohol. According to one estimate, around 110,000 students between the ages of 18-24 are arrested every year for an alcohol-related offense. And, between 1993 and 2005, the proportion of students abusing tranquilizers increased an astonishing 450%.¹

Substance abuse occurs when someone uses a drug outside of how it was intended or prescribed. This can include taking Adderall without a prescription to increase concentration or smoking marijuana in order to relax. Drinking is considered abuse when its effects negatively impact the drinker’s social or professional life or health.¹

Know the Warning Signs:

Some ways to tell if a college student is abusing drugs or alcohol include:

  • Decreased interest in classes and extracurricular activities
  • Drastic change in grades or academic performance
  • Shifts in sleeping patterns or fluctuations in weight
  • Time spent in new social circles, especially among those who have a reputation of abuse
  • Withdrawing from friends or acting secretive
  • Unexplained changes in behavior or personality
  • Uncharacteristic mood swings, depression or irritability¹

If you suspect a student is misusing or abusing drugs or alcohol, refer the student to the CARE Team. You may do this by submitting the Behavior Report form.


¹ From The Addiction Center,

 Access the form