Resources for Service Members and Veterans
Career Assessment for Veterans
Search careers with key words, browse careers by industry, or find careers like your
military job.
College Scholarships & Resources for Military Veterans
A guide to scholarships and financial aid for student veterans.
Coronavirus FAQs: What Veterans Need to Know
Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding VA healthcare and benefit
services. Be sure to scroll down to learn how GI Bill and other education benefit
payments may be affected by COVID-19.
Education and Training Services
Many benefits are available to advance the education and skills of Veterans and Service
Kentucky Approving Agency for Veterans Education
The Kentucky Approving Agency is responsible for determining what programs may be
approved for the use of VA education benefits. Their office monitors the quality
of the programs and follows the progress of Kentucky's veterans in those programs.
Search for approved schools and learn about the program approval process.
Kentucky Personnel Cabinet - Veteran's Preference
For assistance with navigating the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Merit Employment System
application or hiring process and for specific information regarding eligibility requirements
and necessary documents, please contact Stuart Clark at 502.564.8030 or email stuartt.clark@ky.gov.
Medical and Mental Health Services
VA health care covers regular checkups with a primary care provider and appointments
with specialists (including mental health providers).
Transition Assistance Online
Careers for the transitioning military.
Veteran Crisis Line
Are you a veteran in crisis? Call 1–800–273–TALK(8255) Press 1, chat online, or send
a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support every day, 24/7. Support
for deaf and hard of hearing, call 1-800-799-4889.
Veterans Affairs Facility Locator
Search for nearest VA medical center as well as other health facilities, benefit offices,
cemeteries, community care providers and Vet Centers.
Veterans Employment and Training Service
The mission of VETS is to prepare America's veterans, service members and their spouses,
for meaningful careers, provide them with employment resources and expertise, protect
their employment rights and promote their employment opportunities.
April Johnson
Coordinator of Community Outreach and Veteran’s Affairs
Sullivan Tech Center (STC) Room 214