Build Research Skills
Back your writing with solid research.
Your paper, presentation or project will be improved when you use good information to support your position. Always seek assistance from the library staff when you have questions about library material. We will help you learn the steps needed to evaluate and cite these resources so that you can earn a higher grade!
- Call Numbers and the Library of Congress Classification System
- Style Guide Explanations - Citation Guides - Updated!
- Evaluating Resources: Which book should I use?
HCC's Information Literacy eCommunity in Blackboard
- Offers simple lessons for many research techniques.
- Offers quizzes to help you track your progress.
- Offers audio files to help you with the learning process.
Resource Guides
- Our resource guides list suggested books, databases, audio-visual materials and websites for each HCC academic program including nursing, clinical laboratory, business, industrial maintenance, etc.