Circulation | HCC


HOW do I borrow items from the Hartfield Library?

To borrow items from the library, you must have a valid, bar-coded Henderson Community College library card. To get a library card, a patron must provide a photo ID.

Time Limits on Borrowing for
Students and Service Area Patrons

Books (General Collection)* 14 days
ILLs 28 days
AV Software (DVDs, CDs, etc.)* 3 days
Reserve Materials *Instructor's Choice
Periodicals None
Reference None
Special Collections Material None

*Service Area Patrons are allowed to have three (3) items per person checked-out at a time.

Renewals: There is a one-time renewal per item, after which the material must be shelved for two working days before the patron can check-out the item again.

Reserve Materials
Length of circulation time for reserve material is determined by each faculty member.
Reserve materials may not be renewed.

Overdue Materials
*Books: $ .10 per day, to a maximum of $3.00.
*Audiovisuals: $1.00 per day, to a maximum of $10.00.
*Reserves: $0.25 per hour for hourly loans /$1.00 per day for daily loans, to a maximum of $10.00.
*Replacement costs
*Books: $50.00 or the cost of the book, whichever is greater.
*Audiovisuals: $60.00 or the cost of the item, whichever is greater.
*Replacement copies presented by patrons will not be accepted.

Patrons who generate a bill at Hartfield Library will have checkout privileges revoked until the missing items are returned and/or all related costs are paid. Moreover, students who neglect to take care of this matter before the end of the respective semester will not be allowed to register for classes in any subsequent semester.