Hey students!
Start your semester with fewer technology issues by reviewing these helpful hints:
- For Blackboard Best Practices:
- Use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your browser.
- Access from a Windows or Apple/MacIntosh-based desktop or laptop for best results.
- If you can’t access your MyPath account, reset your password or contact GoKCTCS! Support
at https://henderson-kctcs.edusupportcenter.com/shp/kctcs-henderson/home
- Don’t see your course in Blackboard? Double-check the start date. Most courses are not visible until the first day of class!
If you still need assistance:
Contact Jon Reidford, Distance Learning Coordinator at 270-831-9829 or via email Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
For assistance in the evening or on the weekend, call, live chat or email the GoKCTCS! Student Services Center at https://kctcs.edu/current-students/go-kctcs/index.aspx
For more tips, check out https://henderson.kctcs.edu/current-students/student-resources/tech-tips.aspx