Magazine, journal, and newspaper articles are generally available via the Internet; however, these databases save time by consolidating credible titles in one location with user-friendly search options.
Hartfield Library Periodical Directory
(Hard-copy periodicals the library subscribes to.)
Helpful Websites
The websites on this page may also be useful to those performing research along with
Internet Journals.
When accessing the library's database, EBSCO, please use Chrome or Firefox. If you are off campus, and you are having difficulties, please go to the HCC Library website, try this link to our proxy server.
Database | Description of Database |
EBSCO | Physical Sciences, Technology, Medicine, Social Sciences, Literature, Education, Business, Newspapers, the Arts, Other Subjects EBSCO also hosts several thousand eBooks (just like regular books, except they are online) on a variety of topics. Browse eBooks through EBSCO or link to them from Voyager, the library's online card catalog. |
Films on Demand | Films on Demand is a web-based digital video delivery platform that allows you to view streaming videos from Films Media Group anytime, anywhere, 24/7! |
Gale/InfoTrac | Physical Sciences, Technology, Medicine, Social Sciences, the Arts, Literature, Theology, Other Subjects |
Kentucky Virtual Library | The KYVL is a book catalog for almost 30 Kentucky libraries. It also includes Kentuckiana Digital Library, a shared digital archive collection. |
LearningExpress Library | Tutorials, practice tests and eBooks for all ages. Skill building in reading, writing, math and basic science. College and career practice tests (ACT, SAT, etc.). Includes access to Job & Career Accelerator containing a career interest test. Learn how to use a computer, become a U.S. Citizen, create r sum s, and much more! Resources are available in English and Spanish. LearningExpress Library Video Tutorial |
ProQuest | Career and Technical information, Nursing and Allied Health, Newspapers |
SIRS Researcher | Economics, Global Issues, History, Politics, Science, Social Issues, Pro vs. Con |
PrimoVE | Online card catalog for KCTCS Libraries |
Credo Reference Collection | Credo is an easy-to-use tool for starting research. Gather background information on your topic from hundreds of full-text encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations, and subject-specific titles, as well as 500,000+ images and audio files and over 1,000 videos. |
Ancestry Library Edition | Research your family tree through access to US Census records, Birth, Marriage & Death records, and more. |
Britannica Academic | Access research tools, and browse atlases and articles in this online encyclopedia. |
Chronicle of Higher Education | Read articles about education, learn about job openings and more through The Chronicle of Higher Education. |
Ed.Flicks | Ed.Flicks is a database supported by the Child Care Exchange and was developed to support early childcare experts worldwide. HCC IECE students use Ed.Flicks as a substitute for their field experience. |
The Washington Post | The Washington Post is one of the nations leading newspapers offering articles from politics to the arts. This database gives you full access to past and present articles. |