Ways to Give
Return on Your Investment!
Private and corporate support is vital to HCC s continued growth and success. Invest
in the future! Explore ways you can support HCC through one of the options listed
There are two main ways to provide financial support for the important work being
done at HCC: annual giving or planned giving.
If you make a cash donation today to HCC, that's considered Annual Giving. These one-time cash gifts will be immediately invested in short-term needs such as:
- providing scholarships
- buying new course materials for one of our academic programs
- paying salaries to student tutors
- a host of other immediate needs
Annual Giving
Gifts of Cash
Monetary gifts usually take the form of:
- cash
- money orders
- checks made payable to HCC or the College Foundation.
Please mail your contribution to:
Jennifer Preston
Office of Advancement
2660 South Green Street
Henderson, KY 42420
A pledge enables a donor to consider a more significant gift than would have otherwise
been possible. If you wish, you may make a contribution with payments spread over
a period of time.
Reminders will be sent about your commitment. To obtain a pledge payment agreement
form, e-mail Jennifer Preston.
In-kind gifts
Donations of goods and services are also known as in-kind donations.
Matching Gifts
Matching gift programs can double or even triple your gift to the college.
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
Making a gift to the college in honor of a family member, mentor, colleague or friend
as a thoughtful way to remember someone special and create a living legacy.
Employee Giving/Payroll Deduction
HCC employees may make one-time or on-going contributions to the college through payroll
deduction. Contributions are tax deductible in the year you make the gift to the college.
Planned Giving
HCC allows individuals the opportunity to ensure the College's financial well-being by making gifts that provide a maximum benefit for the College, while decreasing the income tax, estate and gift tax burdens upon their estates and descendants. Philanthropic giving can support your personal financial needs and tax planning. With the assistance of your tax and legal advisors, HCC can assist you in making a difference in the future while you gain the greatest benefits today. The Advancement Office also works with individuals and organizations toward developing planned giving strategies for supporting the college or The College Foundation, Inc. over time. Our current endowments reflect the generosity of our supportive donors. Planned giving options include:
- Current Will
- Living Trust
- Life Insurance
- Real Estate
- Retained Life Estate
- Closely Held Stock
- Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
- Charitable Remainder Unitrust
- Charitable Lead Trust