Community Education
When was the last time you took a class just for fun?
Community Education classes are a fun way to learn a new skill or discover a new hobby. You do not have to be enrolled at Henderson Community College to take advantage of these opportunities.
Keep an eye out for our new offering of classes!
Upcoming Classes:
A sampling of what we offer:
- ACT Prep
- Computer Skills
- Dress for Success
- Historic Henderson
- Public Speaking
- Basic Life Saving CPR
Register online, or call call 270-831-9835.
REFUND POLICY for Community Education and Workforce Development Courses:
If a class must be cancelled by the college, you will be contacted at the phone number or email you provided when you registered, and your tuition will be refunded in full.
If you need to withdraw from a course, you must officially withdraw at least one week prior to the first day of class in order to receive a refund. Withdrawals may be made by phone, email or in person. Official withdrawal from a course requires the student to notify the Workforce Solutions office regarding the intention to withdraw. The date on which notification of withdrawal is received in the Workforce Solutions office will be used to determine eligibility for a refund. Failure to attend class does not constitute withdrawal.
On-line courses offered through our partner site, ED2GO, are non-refundable after registration is complete.
Occasionally the college will offer customized, industry-specific and/or special programs for which no refund will be given. Program offerings for which a different refund policy applies will indicate the specific refund policy in the announcements, pamphlets and/or brochures advertising that program.