Nursing | HCC


HCC's campus will be closed on Wednesday, February 19th. Faculty and staff will be working remotely to assist students.


Learn key nursing skills and practice them in a variety of real-world settings.

Program Contact
Sarah Crick
Program Director
GET STARTED TODAY 270-827-1867


What Is Nursing?

Nursing is one of the most rewarding and challenging careers you can choose. You'll get the opportunity to help people every day while working with the latest technology and in the best working conditions available.

Henderson Community College's Nursing program is a Selective Admissions program. The program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. and receives the approval of the Kentucky Board of Nursing.

Note: Boards of Nursing may deny graduates the opportunity to obtain licensure as a Registered Nurse due to previous criminal conviction(s).  Graduates must successfully pass the NCLEX-RN examination and gain licensure status from a Board of Nursing upon program completion to become a Registered Nurse.

For a current copy of the nursing student handbook containing specific program information for prospective students, please contact the Allied Health division at 270-831-9740 or Dana Walker to have one emailed to you.

Student Spotlight: Kellsie cook - Watch the Video
Nursing student.

Getting Started

What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?

How Do I Pay For This?

Worry no more. With the lowest tuition in Kentucky, financial aid options, and a helping hand to guide you through the application process, HCC has you covered. We'll help you reach your dreams at a price that won't break the bank.

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Admissions Requirements

Applicants must meet the following admission criteria prior to March 1 for consideration for the Fall Semester; or prior to September 1 for consideration for the Spring Semester:

  • **Highly recommended to view the preadmission video before requesting the HCC Nursing application form below**
  • Request (and complete) a HCC Nursing Application form from Dana Walker, HCC Nursing Administrative Assistant (contact her via email or phone at 270-831-9740).  Applicants not accepted into the nursing program must resubmit an application for each admission cycle of which they are interested in applying.
  • Submit the following to the college Admissions Office:
    • Current application to the college
    • Official results of the HESI A2, ACT, or TEAS scores
    • Official high school transcripts (if applicable)
    • Official college transcripts

Prior to entry into NSG 101, students must have completed BIO 137 (earning a C or better), PSY 110, and Quantitative Reasoning at AA/AS Level (earning a C or better).  Students must also be certified in an approved CPR course (American Heart Association BLS Provider). All students must also have NAA 100 or its equivalency within the past 5 years or have an active SRNA certification by the first day of their entry or re-entry into the NSG 101 course.

Pre-requisites for the LPN to ADN Bridge Program: BIO 137 (earning a C or better), BIO 139 (earning a C or better), PSY 110, and Quantitative Reasoning Course at AA/AS Level (earning a C or better), ENG 101, and an unrestricted, current LPN license.

Meeting minimum qualifications does not guarantee admission. Admissions is selective. The Nursing Admissions Committee will evaluate student records comprehensively during selection meetings. The decision made by the Nursing Admissions Committee to approve or deny a student for admission or re-admission to the nursing program is final. If eligible, students may choose to apply or re-apply for an alternative admission cycle.

Admission Limit

If a student has been admitted or readmitted to the Henderson Community College Nursing Program 2 times, then the student is ineligible to apply/re-apply.

Selective Admissions

Admission to the HCC ADN Nursing program is through selective admissions. Candidates interested in applying  should meet the minimum standards set by Henderson Community College. Candidates who apply are ranked using the nursing admissions point scale. Meeting the minimum standards permits a student to be included in the qualified applicant pool but doesn’t guarantee admission into the program.

SRNA Requirement

Effective January 12, 2022: All students must have completed NAA 100 or its equivalency within the past 5 years or have an active SRNA certification by the first day of their entry or re-entry into the NSG 101 course.

Exceptions to the above policy include:

  • Applicants from the high school direct entry cohort (pathway) have until the end of the first semester to secure SRNA certification.
    • Note: In the event a student is unsuccessful obtaining certification by end of their first semester in the nursing program, the student will be required to withdraw from the nursing program.
  • Applicants who hold an active unencumbered LPN/LVN license are exempt from this SRNA requirement.

[Students who were previously admitted into the AAS in the Nursing program and have remained continuously enrolled are not impacted by this policy.  Students who withdraw or are unsuccessful in nursing coursework which requires them to be readmitted are not consider continuously enrolled and are therefore subject to the outlined policy.].

Program Overview

This Associate Degree Nursing Program uses a combination of in-person and hybrid learning formats to teach the curriculum. If selected, students must demonstrate competency on course assignments, exams, essential skills, clinical performance, and meet learning outcomes to progress in the program. This is a fast-paced and intensive program that educates future nurses. If you would like further information reagarding the program and courses, please see the KCTCS course catalogue, watch the pre-admission video, and/or meet with a nursing advisor to discuss.

Clinical Assignments: Students are required to complete specific clinical hours for each course in the nursing program. Students will be assigned clinical placement each semester. Designation of clinical placements are based on multiple factors including but not limited to clinical availability, adjunct availability, etc. Clinical hours assigned will be determined by the clinical facility and may be scheduled on days, nights, weekends, etc. If a student has difficulty securing clinical placement due to external employment issues with the assigned facility, this may jeopardize the student’s ability to participate/complete requirements of the nursing program and the student may be dismissed from the program. Students will follow all rules and guidelines set in place by both the clinical facility and nursing course. Any breach of these rules and guidelines may result in dismissal from the nursing program. 

Length of Program

You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.

This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in cooperation with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.

How many hours are classroom/online sessions?

Associate in Applied Science in Nursing:

32 out of the minimum 62 *required hours are classroom instruction. The remaining 30 credit hours may be taken online.

*does not include <100 level credit hour courses

Transfer Equivalencies

Kentucky Public Colleges/Universities

The KnowHow2Go Kentucky website has information for all Kentuckians who want to get a college degree.

Transferring Your Credits From KCTCS

Looking to transfer your KCTCS credits? The KnowHow2Transfer website has all the information you need to make sure the credit you earn at KCTCS will count toward a bachelor's degree at one of Kentucky's public four year universities.

Accreditation/Program Success

The Henderson Community College Associate Degree Nursing Program at Henderson Community College located in Henderson, KY is accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Henderson Community College Associate Degree Nursing Program is continuing accreditation. View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program. A copy of the letter of reaccreditation is available at the nursing department. For more information contact Dana Walker, Administrative Assistant, at 270-831-9740.

HCC Associate Degree Nursing Program Outcomes

Kentucky Board of Nursing Program Benchmarks

Request Information