HCC's campus will be closed on Wednesday, February 19th. Faculty and staff will be working remotely to assist students.


See any HCC Counselor for referral information:
Angie Watson, Career Services Coordinator STC 225, 270-831-9671

Mental Health Support

BrightView Henderson Addiction Treatment Center

Contact: 833-510-4357. Outpatient treatment offering a holistic, compassionate, and comprehensive approach to those battling drug or alcohol addiction.  We provide you with a safe and positive environment to facilitate your recovery and healing.

Brentwood Springs

Contact: 812-858-7200; Treatment services for individuals and families suffering from addiction and mental illness.

Lighthouse Counseling Service, Inc.

Contact: 270- 826-8761; Individual/Couples/Family/Marriage Counseling, Substance Use Disorder, Anger Management, Batterer Intervention Program, Juvenile & Adult
Sex Offender Treatment, Mental Health Assessments, Parenting classes & targeted case management for children & adults.

KY State Police

Contact 270-826-3312; Angel Initiative offers help, not handcuffs, for those suffering with a substance use disorder. Visit any KYState Police post for help. Troopers will facilitate getting connected to a treatment program. 8298 Keach Dr. Henderson, KY.

River Valley Behavioral Health
Contact Point of Entry: 270-689-6879. Behavioral health, developmental and intellectual disabilities, substance-abuse prevention and recovery. Services are available for children, teens,
adults, and families. Outpatient counseling/therapy services, an adult crisis stabilization unit, crisis support services, and much more. Outpatient clinics are located in Daviess, Henderson, Hancock, Ohio, Union, and Webster. A crisis line is available 24/7. Call or text 800-433-7291.  

Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
Contact: Call or Text 988  

The Port Youth Center - Transition Age Youth Launching Realized Dreams (TAYLRD) 

Contact: (270) 684-0449, 
A federally funded initiative aimed to positively impact the lives of Kentucky's 16-25 year old youth who have, or are at-risk of developing behavioral and substance use disorder challenges. A wide array of free services offered such as life skills training, counseling, recovery support, transportation assistance, medication management, employment & vocational coaching.


Earle C. Clements Job Corps Academy

Contact: 270-389-2419. Residential vocational training facility for economically disadvantaged 16-24 yr. olds offering completion of HS diploma or GED, vocational training, employability skills, independent living skills, basic computer skills and job assistance upon graduation.

Head Start

Contact: 270-831-9670. Offers resources to enhance the development and health of economically challenged children or children with developmental delays focusing on
early childhood development including health, nutrition, family support and community development.

Ready To Work Program
Henderson Community College

Contact: 270-831-9631. Designed to promote the success of Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (K-TAP) recipients who attend Henderson Community College and to provide short-term training opportunities. This program is expanded to include K-TAP adult basic education students who are working toward their GED and high school graduates who are brushing up on basic skills before entering college.

Team KY Adult Education
Henderson Community College

Contact: 270-831-9648. GED preparation, English as a Second Language, TABE diagnostic assessments, college brush up and preparation and administration of the KY Paraeducator assessment.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Contact: 270-831-9664; Assists individuals with disabilities to return to gainful
employment. Some services may include vocational guidance and counseling, job training and job placement, employment training, education and medical rehabilitation.

Grief Support

St. Anthony’s Hospice

Contact: 270-826-2326; Seeks to maximize the quality and dignity of life for individuals facing life-limiting illnesses. Through a holistic approach, the hospice professional team is honored to guide and empower patients, families, and caregivers during life’s most sacred journey.


Kentucky Career Center

Contact: 270-687-7297; Assists adults and dislocated workers with job search, training and retraining, resume preparation, career assessments, guidance and interviewing skills. Unemployment insurance services.

Henderson Community College Career Services

Contact: 270-831-9671. Career and job search resources for HCC students. 


HART – Henderson Area Rapid Transit

Contact: 270-831-1249; Shuttle service for HCC students: Mon-Fri, 8:45 a.m., 11:45 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. at the Sullivan Tech Center (STC) main entrance.  Cost is $0.25 one way.  Students can catch the shuttle at the Transfer Point on Third & Main St.  8:30a.m.  11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.    


Salvation Army

Contact: 270-826-4472. In addition to the feeding program is assistance with referral for pantry, utility, rent, and prescriptions in crisis situations. Also offered is Christmas assistance, gym facility, thrift store plus coaching & intensive case management for families seeking to break the cycle of generational poverty.

Evansville Christian Life Center

Contact: 812-423-9222. Hot meals, clothing department, life skills classes, pregnancy services, addiction recovery, health clinic for anyone currently uninsured or under-resourced.

Henderson Christian Community Outreach

Contact: 270-826-5592; To respond with dignity and concern to persons who
have urgent needs for food, housing, medicine, utilities, advocacy, rent, dental and referral services.

Dept. of Community Based Services - Family Support

Contact: 855-306-8959 (toll-free). Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid and Child Care Assistance programs, 510 Klutey Park Plaza Dr. Henderson, KY. SNAP application.

Clothing/Household Items/Utilities

Answer Center

Contact: 270-827-9888 or 270-860-3182. Clothing and household ministry to individuals in need. Open alternating Saturdays, 9-10:30 a.m.

Evansville Christian Life Center

Contact: 812-423-9222. Clothing and other services as listed above.

Audubon Area Community Services

Contact: 270-686-1662. To request assistance with utilities, rent/mortgage, and health insurance, go to the website.  Select HERE for online request form.

4 Good Community  

Contact 812-449-3026 and online HERE.  Programs include disaster relief, community upliftment, school outreach, and local food bank and resource center.  Volunteers needed M-F 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Every volunteer earns credit to shop at our Give-to-Get Center.  

Legal Services

Kentucky Legal Aid

Contact: 270-683-4585 or 1-800-467-2260, Owensboro, KY. Legal advice and/or representation to low-income persons in civil matters such as consumer, housing, income maintenance, unemployment, public benefits, domestic, divorce, bankruptcy and wills.

Children’s Advocacy Center

Contact: 270-830-8400, . Child Victim Advocacy and counseling service for any child victim of abuse, neglect, dependent or domestic violence.

Holy Name Latino Outreach Office

Contact: 270-827-4837 ext. 309. Legal and medical interpretation and translation services and other programs.


Contact: 270-826-6212. Group & individual counseling, legal advocacy
and information and referral for victims of domestic violence. 24 hour crisis hotline: 1-800-882-2873.

Health & Dental Care

Deaconess Clinic
Letcher Street

Contact: 270-831-7950. Assists residents of Western, KY to afford and gain access to medical services they need and establish a continuity of care with a medical professional.

Green River District Health Department

Contact: 270-826-3951, Preventive child health services, immunizations, home health services, adult day care program,
family planning and more. For uninsured and underinsured assistance with medications and more, call 270-631-0635.

Health First Community Health Center

Contact: 1-877-667-7017 (toll-free). Increasing access to primary care services ranging from primary care, pediatrics, behavioral health, prenatal care, women’s health care, nutrition counseling, laboratory and x-ray services. All major commercial insurance, Medicaid, Medicare and a sliding fee scale.

Thrive Nonprofit Family Medical Center

Thrive Non-Profit Family Medical Center provides high quality primary medical care to uninsured or underinsured adults and children. Open one Saturday morning each month. No patient within our scope of care will be turned away for inability to pay or lack of resources. Located at 110 N. Water St., Henderson, KY.  Check organization's Facebook page for availability. 

Health Related Support Agencies

Marsha’s Place PRC

Contact: 270- 826-9674, A medical clinic offering the following free &
confidential services: Pregnancy testing, obstetric ultra-sound, pregnancy options counseling, abortion pill reversal, other health services family counseling and coaching, relationship classes, after abortion counseling, maternity & baby clothing.


Matthew 25 AIDS Services

Contact: 270-826-0200. Sliding scale fee clinic for individuals with HIV/AIDS. Cost is on ability to pay. Free medical case management, adherence counseling, food bank and housing for individuals with HIV/AIDS. Free HIV testing.


New Beginnings Sexual Assault Support Services

Contact: 800- 226-7273. Counseling services to any survivor of sexual assault as well as educational programs. A 24 hour crisis line is available to assist individuals in a time of emergency.

Chloe Randolph Organization

Contact: 270-830-9439. For after-hours emergency, contact 270-577-4086. Domestic violence services include crisis intervention, case management, court advocacy, community awareness, temporary shelter, support groups, education classes, and community resources.  Services are free and confidential.


Habitat for Humanity of Henderson, KY

Contact: 270-826-0015. To preserve hope for community members by
building s safe and affordable homes.

Harbor House Christian Center

Contact: 270-827-5010. For men only who are in urgent need for shelter and other basic necessities. Provide a warm bed, three meals a day, clothing, bible study, job search assistance and learn responsibility, such as rent (after second paycheck) chores, and managing money.

Housing Authority of Henderson

Section 8 Housing - Contact: 270-827-1294. Governmental apartments for low-income
individuals and families; and Housing Choice Vouchers to rent approved privately owned
properties. Resident Community Services: youth enrichment programming, computer instruction, elderly case management/advocacy and family support.

Ozanam Family Shelter - Evansville

Contact: 812-422-2214. To provide homeless families and single women with quality shelter for emergency situations.

Shelter for Women & Children

Contact: 270-830-8063. Temporary and transitional shelter for women and children who are homeless. Counseling, referral sources and education are offered in a safe environment.

The Daniel Pitino Shelter - Owensboro

Contact: 270-688-9000


Updated: 7/2024