Summer Enrichment Program
Middle School students with a passion for learning can explore careers and enjoy activities
that bring to life math, reading and science during Henderson Community College s
Summer Enrichment Program.
The program takes place June 11-15 on the HCC campus. Classes are held from 8:30 a.m.
to noon. Lunch and transportation to and from HCC are provided daily.
The Summer Enrichment Program is designed as a one-week non-residential program for
middle and junior high school minority students from Henderson and Union Counties,
said Bill Dixon, HCC Director of Cultural Diversity. Students are offered enrichment
opportunities in math, reading, science, college preparations, learning styles, career
explorations and personal/social developments. The program prepares minority students
to be successful in high school and college level work and to persist to high school
and college graduation.
The Summer Enrichment Program provides academic enrichment activities for minority
students in grades 6-8, encouraging them to stay in school and enter college. The
program also encourages students to stay in school and enter college, and makes them
aware of the value of college. The program also strives to help prepare students to
be successful in college level work and persist to college graduation.
Applications are available in the guidance office at Henderson North Middle School,
Henderson South Middle School and Union County Middle School. Parents must complete
the application and return it to the school counselor. The school counselor will submit
it to HCC. The deadline to apply has been extended to May 9.
For more information, please contact your middle school guidance office or HCC Director
of Cultural Diversity Bill Dixon at 270-831-9650.
The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education s, Governor s Minority Student College
Preparation Program (GMSCPP), funds the Henderson Community College s Summer Enrichment