Earning College Credit in High School Saves Time, Money | HCC


Earning College Credit in High School Saves Time, Money

Published on Mar 12, 2020

 Mirka Santa-Santiago

Henderson, KY – Kentucky's dual credit college tuition program – which allows students to start earning college credits while they are still in high school – is providing a path to college or work while saving Kentuckians millions of dollars. Last year alone, Kentucky families saved $18 million through dual credit scholarships, which are offered by the state.

"Kentucky's dual credit scholarship program is not only saving students and their families money, but it also provides an easier path to college, and ultimately, career opportunities," Dr. Jason Warren, President & CEO of Henderson Community College (HCC) said. "Dual credit is one of the most cost-effective education programs available in Kentucky. We are grateful to our legislators for creating this scholarship."

At HCC, 647 local high school students take dual-credit courses, which is part of the commitment to raise college attainment in the community as well as expanding access to career options and placing graduates in the workforce at faster rate than in the past.

Recently, we talked with Mirka Salpa-Santiago, HCC dual credit student. Speaking of her experience with the program, Mirka said, “My experience in dual credit has been very beneficial, impacting my life by giving me exposure to college level work while I'm still in high school and allowing me to save money on tuition in the future.”  She also stated, “This program gives me the opportunity to find what career interests me by taking the classes needed to get to the career I am most passionate about.” She left us with this thought: “If a high school student has the chance to participate in this program, I would definitely encourage them to do so!”

While dual credit is available through all of Kentucky's public universities, it is particularly popular and successful for students at HCC and the other 15 colleges of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS).

Over the last five years, KCTCS has nearly doubled the number of dual credit students, and today, 20,000 students are enrolled in a KCTCS college dual-credit program.

Because tuition at HCC is less than half of the tuition charged by Kentucky's public universities, HCC students take on significantly less student debt than other college students in the state. Some even graduate from high school with certificates or an associate degree through the dual credit program.

According to the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, dual credit has been linked to higher student GPA's and has a positive impact for minority, low income and academically unprepared students who benefit from being exposed to college courses while still in high school.

To learn more about the dual credit program or HCC, visit www.henderson.kctcs.edu. The HCC Campus is located at 2660 S. Green Street in Henderson.