Published on Sep 5, 2023
HENDERSON, Ky. – The Henderson Community College (HCC) FAME program recently kicked off its Fall 2023 cohort with a signing day. During the celebration, 15 participants from seven local manufacturers committed to this industry-recognized degree program. Sponsors of this cohort are Accuride, Audubon Metals, Century Aluminum, Cresline, Gibbs Die Casting, Hydro Aluminum, and International Paper.
The HCC FAME program is a work-and-learn opportunity that allows participating students to earn a degree in just five semesters while gaining valuable work experience in industrial maintenance. Since its first cohort was completed in 2019, HCC FAME boasts 24 graduates and a 96% job placement rate in industrial careers.
As part of HCC FAME’s seventh cohort, students will be able to take full advantage of new advanced manufacturing training equipment -- including an 8-station Universal Robotics lab -- recently purchased with funds from the Henderson County Fiscal Court and a Delta Regional Authority grant. The HCC FAME program also receives funding from the United Way of Henderson County.
“Championing growth within our manufacturing community, we proudly support the HCC FAME program,” said Teresa Hagedorn, Human Resources Director at Gibbs Die Casting. “We believe the strength of this program is a testament to the dedication of all involved - the students, the educators, the partner companies, and the community. We are fortunate to have employed 12 students in six cohort groups. Combining on-the-job training with academic excellence leads to a successful career!”
HCC President and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Jason Warren agrees. “We continue to see strong demand from local employers for multi-skilled technicians. We are proud of the HCC FAME program and its proven track record of setting its graduates up for a successful career in advanced manufacturing.”
Henderson Community College is one of 16 colleges in the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, the Commonwealth’s largest postsecondary institution. KCTCS is Kentucky’s largest provider of workforce training, dual credit classes and online education. Through partnerships with business and industry, we align our programs to meet the needs of local employers. KCTCS colleges are united in their commitment to making life better for our students, communities and the citizens of Kentucky. Since its creation, KCTCS has served more than one million Kentuckians.