Published on Aug 23, 2022
HENDERSON, KY -- Henderson Community College is pleased to share that as of August
1st, 2022, the Henderson Area Arts Alliance offices will be relocating to the Preston
Arts Center on the HCC campus. The offices were moved to downtown Henderson in 2018
and have remained at that location until now.
“The Henderson Area Arts Alliance is excited to continue to expand its relationship
with Henderson Community College by moving its headquarters back to the Preston Arts
Center. We, as a board, are thankful for the continued support of Dr. Jason Warren,
Stacey Howell, and everyone at the PAC and HCC. The partnership between HCC and HAAA
has been strong since HAAA’s inception, and this new agreement bringing HAAA’s operations
back within the Preston Arts Center benefits both entities and is an opportunity for
both to serve our community better.” said Andrew Powell, HAAA board president.
The Henderson Area Arts Alliance was created in 1978 and spent much of their time
located on the campus of HCC.
“I am thrilled that our HAAA partners are returning to the Preston Arts Center,” said
HCC President and HAAA Board Member, Dr. Jason Warren. “I am proud that our two organizations
were able to negotiate a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that is win-win for all parties.
We have clarified roles and identified ways we can increase collaboration. Most importantly,
we share a love and passion for the arts. Exciting days are ahead!”
With the announcement of the relocation, the Henderson Area Arts Alliance has also
shared the organization will present the Preston Arts Center with a gift for $3000,
along with other community partners, to replace the much-needed stage curtains.
HAAA’s season of events begins at the Preston Arts Center on September 18th, 2022,
as they welcome contemporary Christian artist Amy Grant to the stage of McCormick
Hall. Tickets can be purchased online at haaa.org or at the box office located at
the Preston Arts Center, 2660 South Green Street.