Henderson Community College
Medical Laboratory Technician Program

As you leave the MLT program, how well prepared do you feel you are in the following areas?

(Select one number for each item)

Excellent (1)
Good (2)
Average (3)
Marginal (4)
Poor (5)
Don’t know/NA (6)

1_Collection of venous blood
2_Collection of capillary blood
4_Laboratory calculations
5_Physical examination of urine
6_Chemical examination of urine
7_Microscopic examination of urine
8_Body fluid analysis
9_Manual cell counting
10_Operation of electronic cell counter
11_Differential blood cell counting and elevation
12_Coagulation testing
13_Operation of automated systems in clinical chemistry
14_Performance of manual chemical tests
15_Performance of routine serological testing
16_Disposal of contaminated materials
17_Reading of gram stains
18_Reading of other differential stains
19_Selection of media for specific specimen types
20_Identification of unknown mycological agents
21_Identification of unknown parasites
22_Performance of antimicrobial susceptibility tests
23_Typing of blood
24_Identification of irregular antibodies
25_Crossmatching blood
26_Verbal communication skills
27_Written communication skills
28_Following protocol
29_Quality control
30_Problem solving
31_Legal and ethical practices
32_Overall, general preparation for exam and entry-level skills