81505 35Z1  ACC 201 Financial Accounting 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Graham
81506 35Z1  ACC 202 Managerial Accounting 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Graham
81457 35Z1  AGR 125 Intro Fertilizers and Soils 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Winstead
81458 35L1  AGR 125 Intro Fertilizers and Soils 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA202 Winstead
81459 35X1  AGR 125 Intro Fertilizers and Soils 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Winstead
81460 32Z1  AGR 140 Issues In Agriculture 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Winstead
81461 35Z1  AGR 240 Introduction to Animal Science 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Vandiver
81462 35X1  AGR 240 Introduction to Animal Science 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Vandiver
81463 32Z1  AGR 130 Field Applications in Agric 2 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Winstead
81464 32Z1  AGR 160 Horticultural Science 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Winstead
81465 32Z1  AGR 215 Weed Management 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Winstead
81466 35Z1  AGR 180 Agricultural Internship I 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Winstead
86789 35Z1  AHS 115 Medical Terminology 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Duncan
82725 35Z1  ART 100 Intro to Art 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Bennett
81617 32Z1  AST 191 The Solar System 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Hammonds
81619 32X1  AST 195 Introductory Astronomy Lab 1 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Hammonds
81495 32Z1  BAS 120 Personal Finance 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Dorsey
81496 38Z1  BAS 200 Small Business Management 3 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81497 35Z1  BAS 160 Introduction to Business 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
81498 35Z1  BAS 282 Principles of Marketing 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
81499 35Z1  BAS 283 Principles of Management 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
81500 35Z1  BAS 287 Supervisory Management 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
81501 35Z1  BAS 267 Introduction to Business Law 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Phelps
81502 38Z1  BAS 284 Applied Management Skills 3 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Phelps
81503 38Z1  BAS 160 Introduction to Business 3 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
81504 38Z1  BAS 270 Business Employability Seminar 1 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Phelps
81600 36Z1  BIO 112 Introduction to Biology 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
81601 36X1  BIO 113 Intro to Biology Laboratory 1 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
81604 36Z1  BIO 135 Basic Anatomy/Physiology w/Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
81605 36X1  BIO 135 Basic Anatomy/Physiology w/Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
81606 36Z1  BIO 137 Human Ana and Phys I with Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Deep
81607 36X1  BIO 137 Human Ana and Phys I with Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Deep
81608 36Z1  BIO 225 Medical Microbiology with Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Deep
81609 36X1  BIO 225 Medical Microbiology with Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Deep
81610 36Z1  BIO 139 Human Ana and Phys II with Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Phillips
81611 36X1  BIO 139 Human Ana and Phys II with Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Phillips
81612 3601  BIO 137 Human Ana and Phys I with Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 STC309 Phillips
81613 36L1  BIO 137 Human Ana and Phys I with Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T210 Phillips
81614 36L2  BIO 137 Human Ana and Phys I with Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T210 Phillips
81615 3601  BIO 139 Human Ana and Phys II with Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 STC309 Phillips
81616 36L1  BIO 139 Human Ana and Phys II with Lab 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T210 Phillips
81521 35Z1  BRX 120 Basic Blueprint Reading 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Moss
81622 3601  CHE 140 Introductory General Chemistry 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T202 Becker
81624 36L3  CHE 145 Intro General Chemistry Lab 1 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T202 Becker
82302 36L4  CHE 145 Intro General Chemistry Lab 1 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T202 Becker
81507 38Z1  CIT 293 CIT Employability Studies 1 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Phelps
81508 35Y2  CIT 105 Introduction to Computers 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA228 Patsalides
81509 36Y1  CIT 105 Introduction to Computers 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA228 Chappell
81510 36Z1  CIT 105 Introduction to Computers 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Chappell
81511 38Z2  CIT 105 Introduction to Computers 3 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Patsalides
81512 35Z1  CIT 120 Computational Thinking 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Patsalides
81513 35Z1  CIT 144 Python I 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81514 35Z1  CIT 130 Productivity Software 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Patsalides
81515 35Z1  CIT 180 Security Fundamentals 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81516 35Z1  CIT 111 Computer Hardware and Software 4 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Chappell
81517 35Z1  CIT 160 Intro to Networking Concepts 4 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81518 35Z1  CIT 105 Introduction to Computers 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Patsalides
81519 32Z1  CIT 284 Computer Forensics 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81520 3503  CIT 105 Introduction to Computers 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA228 Patsalides
82705 36Z1  COM 252 Intro to Interpersonal Comm 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Brown
82706 32Z1  COM 252 Intro to Interpersonal Comm 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Taylor
82707 3601  COM 181 Basic Public Speaking 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 ADM201 Brown
82708 3501  COM 181 Basic Public Speaking 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 ADM201 Brown
82709 36Z1  COM 181 Basic Public Speaking 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Hearrin
82710 32Z1  COM 181 Basic Public Speaking 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Marsh
82711 3601  COM 249 Mass Media Communication 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 ADM201 Brown
88607 35Z1  CYS 100 Cybersecurity Orientation 1 8/18/2025 10/12/2025 WWW Chappell
88609 35Z1  CYS 101 Cybersecurity Foundations 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Chappell
83858 35Z1  ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Bergan
82736 35Z1  EDP 202 Human Development and Learning 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Hargrove
82737 35Z1  EDU 201 Intro to American Education 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Kellen
82738 3501  EDU 201 Intro to American Education 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 ADM204 Blair
82739 35Z1  EDU 204 Technology In the Classroom 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Blair
81522 3501  EET 276 Programmable Logic Controllers 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STC108 Moss
81523 35L1  EET 277 Programmable Logic Control Lab 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STC108 Moss
82751 35Z1  ENG 230 Literature and Theme(subtitle) 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Woods
82899 36P1  ENG 101 Writing I 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
82900 3601  ENG 101 Writing I 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 ADM202 Johnson
82901 35P2  ENG 101 Writing I 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 ADM202 Humbert
82902 3502  ENG 101 Writing I 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 ADM202 Humbert
82903 35P3  ENG 101 Writing I 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Tarpley
82904 35Z3  ENG 101 Writing I 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Tarpley
82910 3501  ENG 101 Writing I 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 ADM202 Woods
82912 36Z1  ENG 101 Writing I 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Taylor
82917 35Z1  ENG 102 Writing II 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Taylor
82918 36Z1  ENG 102 Writing II 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Dawson
82919 3501  ENG 102 Writing II 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 ADM202 Woods
82920 3601  ENG 102 Writing II 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 ADM202 Humbert
81524 3501  FPX 100 Fluid Power 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STC109 Smith
81525 35L1  FPX 101 Fluid Power Lab 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STC120 Smith
81526 3502  FPX 100 Fluid Power 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Moss
81527 35L2  FPX 101 Fluid Power Lab 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STC120 Moss
82672 3601  FYE 105 Achieving Academic Success 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 ADM201 Humbert
82673 36Y1  FYE 105 Achieving Academic Success 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 STC302 Blair
82674 35Z1  FYE 105 Achieving Academic Success 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
82675 32Z1  FYE 105 Achieving Academic Success 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
88235 35Z1  FYE 110 First Year Experience and Appl 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WEB LOCAL Taylor
88241 32Z1  FYE 110 First Year Experience and Appl 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WEB LOCAL Taylor
82712 35Z1  HIS 101 World Civilization I 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Simmons
82713 35Z1  HIS 108 History of the US Through 1865 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Knight
82714 35Z1  HIS 109 History of the US Since 1865 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Knight
82726 3601  HIS 101 World Civilization I 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 ADM209 Simmons
82727 3501  HIS 109 History of the US Since 1865 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 ADM209 Simmons
86172 36E1  IEC 101 Orient to Early Childhood Ed 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
86174 31Z1  IEC 130 Early Childhood Development 3 8/18/2025 10/12/2025 STAFF
86175 36A1  IEC 170 Observation and Assessment 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
86177 35A1  IEC 180 Curriculum Design and Instruct 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
86178 31X1  IEC 221 Creative Expressions in IECE 3 8/18/2025 10/12/2025 STAFF
86179 36Z1  IEC 240 Admin of Early Childhood Ed 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
86180 38E1  IEC 246 Sciences and Math in IECE 3 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
86181 38Z1  IEC 260 Infant and Toddler Educ and Prog 3 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
87051 35A1  IEC 295 IECE Capstone 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
87054 35A2  IEC 295 IECE Capstone 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW STAFF
81528 3501  IMT 110 Industrial Maint Electric Prin 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Smith
81529 35L1  IMT 111 Industrial Maint Electric Lab 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STC111 Smith
81530 3502  IMT 110 Industrial Maint Electric Prin 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STC106 Smith
81531 35L2  IMT 111 Industrial Maint Electric Lab 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STC111 Smith
81532 3501  IMT 200 Indust Robotics and Robot Maint 4 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STC120 Moss
81533 35Y1  IMT 289 Industrial Maint Tech Capstone 1 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Smith
81534 3501  IMT 1381 Safety Culture 1 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STC106 Smith
81535 3501  IMT 1384 Problem Solving 1 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STC106 Smith
81536 3501  IMT 100 Welding for Maintenance 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81537 3502  IMT 100 Welding for Maintenance 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81538 35L1  IMT 101 Welding for Maintenance Lab 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81539 35L2  IMT 101 Welding for Maintenance Lab 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81565 3503  IMT 100 Welding for Maintenance 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81567 35L3  IMT 101 Welding for Maintenance Lab 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81585 3504  IMT 100 Welding for Maintenance 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81586 35L4  IMT 101 Welding for Maintenance Lab 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
82896 36P1  IRW 100 Int Reading and Writing Worksh 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
82897 35P2  IRW 100 Int Reading and Writing Worksh 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 ADM208 Humbert
82898 35P3  IRW 100 Int Reading and Writing Worksh 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Tarpley
82676 32Z1  KHP 100 Walking 1 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Taylor
86785 36Y1  KMA 100 Kentucky Medication Aide 5 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T306 Duncan
86594 3601  MAI 105 Introduction Medical Assisting 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T114 Chandler
86595 3601  MAI 125 Medical Assisting Lab Techn I 2 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T201 Froemming
86596 36L1  MAI 125 Medical Assisting Lab Techn I 2 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T201 Froemming
86597 3601  MAI 140 Med Assisting Clin Proced I 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T114 Chandler
86598 36L1  MAI 140 Med Assisting Clin Proced I 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T114 Chandler
86599 36Y1  MAI 270 Pharmacology for Medical Asst 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T114 Duncan
86600 36L1  MAI 270 Pharmacology for Medical Asst 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T114 Duncan
86601 36C1  MAI 281 Medical Assisting Practicum 1 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 Chandler
84377 36Z1  MAT 61 Foundations of College Algebra 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Brames
84438 35Z1  MAT 151 Intro to Applied Statistics 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Taylor
84446 35Z1  MAT 151S Coreq Intro to Applied Stats 1 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Taylor
85262 3601  MAT 175 Calculus I 5 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA203 Wells
85263 3601  MAT 155 Trigonometry 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA203 Hammonds
85291 36P1  MAT 150 College Algebra 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA203 Wells
85297 36P1  MAT 100 College Algebra Workshop 2 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA203 Wells
85305 35P2  MAT 150 College Algebra 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Wells
85309 35P2  MAT 100 College Algebra Workshop 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Wells
85352 36P3  MAT 150 College Algebra 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA202 Jones
85359 36P3  MAT 100 College Algebra Workshop 2 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA202 Jones
85381 3601  MAT 150 College Algebra 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA202 Jones
85385 3601  MAT 126 Technical Algebra and Trig 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA203 Hammonds
85388 36Z1  MAT 126 Technical Algebra and Trig 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Hammonds
85390 36Z1  MAT 110 Applied Mathematics 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Hammonds
85393 3601  MAT 61 Foundations of College Algebra 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 35AandSA202 Jones
87959 36Z1  MAT 126S Coreq for Tech Alg and Trig 1 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Hammonds
86570 3601  MLT 101 Intro to the Clinical Lab 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T201 Roberts
86572 36L1  MLT 101 Intro to the Clinical Lab 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T209 Roberts
86576 3601  MLT 205 Clinical Microbiology I 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T201 Roberts
86578 36L1  MLT 205 Clinical Microbiology I 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T209 Roberts
86578 36L1  MLT 205 Clinical Microbiology I 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T209 Roberts
86579 36Y1  MLT 215 Hematology I 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T201 Dobbs
86580 36L1  MLT 215 Hematology I 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T209 Dobbs
86582 3601  MLT 225 Immunohematology I 2 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T201 Rafferty
86583 36L1  MLT 225 Immunohematology I 2 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T209 Rafferty
86584 36Y1  MLT 233 Clinical Chemistry I 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T201 Sharkey
86585 36L1  MLT 233 Clinical Chemistry I 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T209 Sharkey
86586 36C1  MLT 278 Practicum I 4 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 Roberts
82723 36Z1  MUS 100 Intro to Music 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Blanchard
82724 35Y1  MUS 100 Intro to Music 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 35LIB105 Uthup
86777 31Y1  NAA 100 Nursing Assistant Skills I 3 8/18/2025 10/12/2025 A/T306 Cardwell
86779 31Y2  NAA 100 Nursing Assistant Skills I 3 8/18/2025 10/12/2025 A/T306 Crowdus
86781 38Y3  NAA 100 Nursing Assistant Skills I 3 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 A/T306 Cardwell
86783 38Y4  NAA 100 Nursing Assistant Skills I 3 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 A/T306 Crowdus
87886 3601  NFS 101 Human Nutrition and Wellness 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Heflin
86490 31Y1  NSG 212 Behavioral Health Nursing 3 8/18/2025 9/21/2025 STC309 Heflin
86492 31L1  NSG 212 Behavioral Health Nursing 3 8/18/2025 9/21/2025 A/T303 Heflin
86494 31X1  NSG 212 Behavioral Health Nursing 3 8/18/2025 9/21/2025 Heflin
86501 3801  NSG 219 Medical Surgical Nursing I 7 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 STC309 Heflin
86501 3801  NSG 219 Medical Surgical Nursing I 7 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 STC309 Heflin
86501 3801  NSG 219 Medical Surgical Nursing I 7 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 A/T303 Heflin
86501 3801  NSG 219 Medical Surgical Nursing I 7 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 A/T303 Heflin
86503 38L1  NSG 219 Medical Surgical Nursing I 7 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
86506 38X1  NSG 219 Medical Surgical Nursing I 7 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 Heflin
86509 3801  NSG 229 Medical Surgical Nursing II 7 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 STC311 Burris
86509 3801  NSG 229 Medical Surgical Nursing II 7 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 STC311 Burris
86509 3801  NSG 229 Medical Surgical Nursing II 7 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 A/T305 Burris
86509 3801  NSG 229 Medical Surgical Nursing II 7 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 A/T305 Burris
86513 38X1  NSG 229 Medical Surgical Nursing II 7 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 Burris
86520 31Y1  NSG 213 Pediatric Nursing 3 8/18/2025 9/21/2025 STC311 STAFF
86522 31X1  NSG 213 Pediatric Nursing 3 8/18/2025 9/21/2025 Bolser
86526 31L1  NSG 213 Pediatric Nursing 3 8/18/2025 9/21/2025 STC302 Bolser
86526 31L1  NSG 213 Pediatric Nursing 3 8/18/2025 9/21/2025 STC304 Bolser
86537 31Y1  NSG 211 Maternal Newborn Nursing 3 8/18/2025 9/21/2025 STC311 Crick
86544 31L1  NSG 211 Maternal Newborn Nursing 3 8/18/2025 9/21/2025 A/T308 Crick
86544 31L1  NSG 211 Maternal Newborn Nursing 3 8/18/2025 9/21/2025 A/T308 Crick
86546 31X1  NSG 211 Maternal Newborn Nursing 3 8/18/2025 9/21/2025 Crick
86552 3801  NSG 239 Medical/Surgical Nursing III 6 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 STC302 Bolser
86552 3801  NSG 239 Medical/Surgical Nursing III 6 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 STC304 Bolser
86552 3801  NSG 239 Medical/Surgical Nursing III 6 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 STC311 Bolser
86555 38L1  NSG 239 Medical/Surgical Nursing III 6 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 STC302 Bolser
86555 38L1  NSG 239 Medical/Surgical Nursing III 6 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 STC304 Bolser
86555 38L1  NSG 239 Medical/Surgical Nursing III 6 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 STC311 Bolser
86557 38X1  NSG 239 Medical/Surgical Nursing III 6 9/22/2025 12/14/2025 Bolser
86560 3601  NSG 101 Nursing Practice I 9 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 A/T301 Matthis
86564 36L1  NSG 101 Nursing Practice I 9 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 Matthis
86565 36X1  NSG 101 Nursing Practice I 9 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 Matthis
86587 3101  PHB 170 Applied Phlebotomy 3 8/18/2025 10/12/2025 A/T211 Brack
86588 31L1  PHB 170 Applied Phlebotomy 3 8/18/2025 10/12/2025 A/T210 Brack
86590 3102  PHB 170 Applied Phlebotomy 3 8/18/2025 10/12/2025 A/T211 Cleavenger
86591 31L2  PHB 170 Applied Phlebotomy 3 8/18/2025 10/12/2025 A/T210 Cleavenger
86592 38C1  PHB 152 Phlebotomy: Clinical Experienc 1 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 Brack
86593 38C2  PHB 152 Phlebotomy: Clinical Experienc 1 10/13/2025 12/14/2025 Cleavenger
82715 35Z1  PHI 110 Medical Ethics 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Mattingly
81621 3501  PHY 151 Introductory Physics I 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 Hammonds
82728 3601  PSY 110 General Psychology 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 ADM209 Bays
82729 3501  PSY 110 General Psychology 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 ADM209 Bays
82730 36Y1  PSY 110 General Psychology 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 35LIB105 Bays
82731 35Z1  PSY 110 General Psychology 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Bays
82732 36Z1  PSY 110 General Psychology 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Bonne DeMuth
82733 32Z1  PSY 110 General Psychology 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Bonne DeMuth
82734 35Z1  PSY 223 Lifespan Psychology 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Vaught
82735 35Z1  PSY 298 Abnormal Psychology 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Bays
82741 35Z1  REL 130 Intro to Comparative Religion 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Winstead
82716 36Z1  SOC 101 Intro to Sociology 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Brown
82717 32Z1  SOC 101 Intro to Sociology 3 9/15/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Brown
82718 3501  SOC 101 Intro to Sociology 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 35LIB105 Beard
83859 35Z1  SPA 101 Elemen Spanish I 4 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Lee
84449 35Z1  STA 151 Intro to Applied Statistics 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Taylor
85397 3601  STA 220 Statistics 3 8/18/2025 12/14/2025 ADM201 Jones
82742 35Z1  SWK 124 Intro to Social Services 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Sullivan
82744 35Z1  THA 200 Intro to Dramatic Literature 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WWW Humbert
83860 35Z1  WGS 201 Intro Wmn's Gnder Stds Art Hum 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81554 3501  WLD 110 Cutting Processes 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81555 35L1  WLD 111 Cutting Processes Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81556 3501  WLD 120 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81557 35L1  WLD 121 Shield Metal ArcWld Fillet Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81558 3501  WLD 130 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81559 35L1  WLD 131 Gas Tngstn Arc Weld Fillet Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81560 35L1  WLD 133 Gas Tungsten Arc Wld GrooveLab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81561 3501  WLD 140 Gas Metal Arc Welding 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81562 35L1  WLD 141 Gas Metal Arc Weld Fillet Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81563 35L1  WLD 143 Gas Metal Arc Wlding GrooveLab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81564 3501  WLD 151 Basic Welding A 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81568 3502  WLD 110 Cutting Processes 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81570 35L2  WLD 111 Cutting Processes Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81575 3502  WLD 120 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81576 35L2  WLD 121 Shield Metal ArcWld Fillet Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81578 3502  WLD 130 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81579 35L2  WLD 131 Gas Tngstn Arc Weld Fillet Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81580 35L3  WLD 133 Gas Tungsten Arc Wld GrooveLab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81581 3503  WLD 140 Gas Metal Arc Welding 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81582 35L2  WLD 141 Gas Metal Arc Weld Fillet Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81583 35L2  WLD 143 Gas Metal Arc Wlding GrooveLab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD110 Caliendo
81584 3502  WLD 151 Basic Welding A 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 WLD102 Caliendo
81587 3503  WLD 110 Cutting Processes 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81588 35L3  WLD 111 Cutting Processes Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81589 3503  WLD 120 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81590 35L3  WLD 121 Shield Metal ArcWld Fillet Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81591 3503  WLD 130 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81592 35L3  WLD 131 Gas Tngstn Arc Weld Fillet Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81593 35L4  WLD 133 Gas Tungsten Arc Wld GrooveLab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81594 3504  WLD 140 Gas Metal Arc Welding 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81595 35L3  WLD 141 Gas Metal Arc Weld Fillet Lab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81596 35L3  WLD 143 Gas Metal Arc Wlding GrooveLab 3 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF
81597 3503  WLD 151 Basic Welding A 2 8/25/2025 12/14/2025 STAFF


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UPDATED: 2/28/2025