2515 38Z1  AGR 180 Agricultural Internship I 2 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Winstead
2517 38Z1  BIO 137 Human Ana and Phys I with Lab 4 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Phillips
2518 38X1  BIO 137 Human Ana and Phys I with Lab 4 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Phillips
2519 38Z1  BIO 139 Human Ana and Phys II with Lab 4 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Phillips
2520 38X1  BIO 139 Human Ana and Phys II with Lab 4 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Phillips
2521 38Z1  BIO 112 Introduction to Biology 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Abram
2522 38X1  BIO 113 Intro to Biology Laboratory 1 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Abram
2523 38Z1  BIO 225 Medical Microbiology with Lab 4 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Deep
2524 38X1  BIO 225 Medical Microbiology with Lab 4 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Deep
2511 38Y1  BRX 120 Basic Blueprint Reading 3 7/4/2025 8/8/2025 STC106 Smith
2516 38Z1  CIT 105 Introduction to Computers 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Chappell
2513 38Z1  CMM 110 Fundamentals Machine Tools - A 3 6/2/2025 6/29/2025 WWW Moss
2514 38L1  CMM 110 Fundamentals Machine Tools - A 3 6/2/2025 6/29/2025 WLD110 Moss
2535 38Z1  COM 181 Basic Public Speaking 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Brown
2536 38Z1  COM 252 Intro to Interpersonal Comm 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Brown
2539 38Z1  EDP 202 Human Development and Learning 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Blair
2540 38Z1  EDU 140 Intro to Behavior Management 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Blair
2541 38Z1  EDU 204 Technology In the Classroom 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Blair
2537 38Z1  ENG 101 Writing I 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Taylor
2538 38Z1  ENG 102 Writing II 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Taylor
2551 38P1  ENG 101 Writing I 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Taylor
2542 38Z1  FYE 105 Achieving Academic Success 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WEB LOCAL Blair
2547 38Z1  HIS 101 World Civilization I 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Simmons
2558 38Z1  HIS 109 History of the US Since 1865 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Knight
2556 38Z1  IEC 200 Child Guidance 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW STAFF
2557 38Z1  IEC 210 Family/Community Erly ChldhdEd 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW STAFF
2512 38Y1  IMT 1383 Total Production Management 1 7/4/2025 8/8/2025 STC106 Smith
2550 38Z1  IRW 100 Int Reading and Writing Worksh 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Taylor
2548 38Z1  KHP 100 Walking 1 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Taylor
2544 38Z1  MAT 100 College Algebra Workshop 2 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Brames
2545 38P1  MAT 150 College Algebra 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Brames
2546 38Z1  MAT 150 College Algebra 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Brames
2549 38Z1  MAT 151 Intro to Applied Statistics 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Taylor
2553 38Z1  MAT 151S Coreq Intro to Applied Stats 1 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Taylor
2554 38Z1  MUS 100 Intro to Music 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Blanchard
3335 38Y1  NAA 100 Nursing Assistant Skills I 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 A/T306 Crowdus
2543 38Z1  PSY 110 General Psychology 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Bays
2555 38Z1  SOC 101 Intro to Sociology 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Brown
2552 38Z1  STA 151 Intro to Applied Statistics 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Taylor
2559 38Z1  STA 220 Statistics 3 6/2/2025 8/3/2025 WWW Taylor


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UPDATED: 2/28/2025