General Education (Transfer) | HCC


HCC's campus will be closed on Wednesday, February 19th. Faculty and staff will be working remotely to assist students.

General Education (Transfer)

Students who plan to pursue the Associate in Arts (AA) or Associate in Science (AS) degree and/or transfer to a university should complete the Dual Credit General Education Pathway. The dual credit general education pathway is designed to help students earn credits towards the 33 credit hours of the KCTCS General Education Core courses with in an AA or AS degree. These courses are accepted directly towards the first two years of a bachelor's degree and will be accepted by any public Kentucky university per Kentucky's General Education Transfer Policy (pdf).

Below is a list of general education courses that are eligible for dual credit from each KCTCS college, provided it offers the course for dual credit and there is a credentialed family member to teach it for dual credit at the college and/or high school. 

Note that some requirements vary between the AA and AS degrees.  All courses are 3 credit hours unless indicated after the course name.

  1. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION            AA: 6 credit hours       AS: 6 credit hours
    • ENG 101 -Writing I
    • ENG 102 -Writing II

  2. ORAL COMMUNICATION                  AA: 3 credit hours       AS: 3 credit hours
    • COM 181 -Basic Public Speaking OR
      COM 252 -Introduction to Interpersonal Communication

  3. ARTS & HUMANITIES                      AA: 6 credit hours        AS: 6 credit hours
    One course should be taken in the Heritage category and one in the Humanities category.

    • HIS 101 -World Civilization I
    • HIS 102 -World Civilization II
    • HIS 108 -History of the U.S. Through 1865
    • HIS 109 -History of the U.S. Since 1865
    • HIS 240 -History of Kentucky

    • ART 100 -Intro to Art
    • ENG 161 -Intro to Literature
    • HUM 120 -Intro to Humanities
    • MUS 100 -Intro to Music
    • PHI 100 -Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge & Reality
    • REL 130 -Intro to Comparative Religion
    • THA 101 -Intro to Theater: Principles & Practices

  4. NATURAL SCIENCES                        AA: 3 or 6 credit hours*   AS: 6 credit hours    
    • AST 101 -Frontiers of Astronomy
    • BIO 112/113 -Intro to Biology & Lab (4)
    • BIO 120/121 -Intro to Ecology & Lab (4)
    • BIO 135  -Basic Anatomy & Physiology with Lab (4) OR
      BIO 137 -Human Anatomy & Physiology I (4) AND
      BIO 139 -Human Anatomy & Physiology II (4)
    • CHE 140/145 -Intro to General Chemistry & Lab (4)
    • PHY 171 -Applied Physics (4)

  5. QUANTITATIVE REASONING             AA: 3 or 6 credit hours*   AS: 6 credit hours
    KCTCS has six Quantitative Reasoning pathways, each tailored to allow students to take the math that is relevant for their field of study (see QR path listed next to the course). Students, with an advisor, should chose from the course below that best fits  plans for their college education.

    • MAT 141 -Liberal Arts Mathematics OR                QR PATH: Liberal Arts Math
      MAT 146 -Contemporary College Mathematics
    • MAT 150 -College Algebra                                  QR PATH: Education/College Algebra
    • MAT/STA 151 -Intro to Applied Statistics              QR PATH: Statistics
    • MAT 154 -Trigonometry (2) OR
      MAT 155 -Trigonometry
    • MAT 161 -Statistics & Algebra                             QR PATH: Business & Management
    • MAT 171 -Precalculus (5)                                    QR PATH: STEM
    • MAT 174 -Calculus I (4) OR
      MAT 175 -Calculus I (5)
    • MAT 184 -Calculus II (4) OR
      MAT 185 -Calculus II (5)
    • STA 220 -Statistics

  6. SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES   AA: 9 credit hours        AS: 6 credit hours
    • ECO 101 -Contemporary Economic Issues OR
      ECO 201 -Principles of Microeconomics
    • GEO 152 -Regional Geography of the World
    • POL 101 -American Government
    • PSY 110 -General Psychology
    • REL 101 -Intro to Religious Studies
    • REL 130 -Intro to Comparative Religion
    • SOC 101 -Intro to Sociology

  7. FOREIGN LANGUAGE -students may take any foreign language courses in a single language if it is offered as dual credit by the KCTCS college. 

Students in the AAS pathways may need other general education courses (such as technical math course) specific to the technical programs of study to earn the AAS degree. Please consult each technical program pathway for that course information.