Welcome to the office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | HCC

Welcome to the office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

How does HCC celebrate diversity? 

Henderson Community College will maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment that recognizes and values the contributions of the diverse population here; and, if groups are underrepresented, to make every effort to reach out to them. We are committed to the following:  

1. To embrace Henderson Community College s definition of cultural diversity and ensure that cultural inclusion is stressed through the college.  

2. Enhance the employment recruitment strategies, at all levels within the college that focus on underrepresented groups.  

3. Place emphasis on the recruitment, retention and graduation of underrepresented groups. Assist in all efforts toward a more diverse student population.  

4. Propose future course offerings/curricula that enhance diversity and global awareness.

What programs and activities are offered? 

  • Heritage Events
  • I:AM Peer Mentoring Program
  • Multi-Cultural Alliance Student Organization
  • Professional Development Presentations on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


There is also an Addiction Resource guide available for the LGBTQ+ Community!


Ms. April Johnson
Coordinator of Community Engagement & Belonging
Henderson Community College
STC 214