Get involved with DEI!
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Community
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Henderson Community College is defined by an open atmosphere that welcomes, celebrates and seeks to understand the cultural differences that exist between people. These differences include language, heritage, dress and traditions, as well as significant variations in the way societies organize themselves such as in their shared moral values and in the ways they interact with their environment. The Learning Community would assist the Coordinator to insure diversity in recruitment of students, staff and faculty at Henderson Community College.
President's Community Advisory Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The President's Community Advisory Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a committee of community leaders who reflect the diversity of the college s service area. This committee will assist the college in its effort to incorporate programs, services and activities that encompasses diversity among its constituencies. The Council meets to discuss multicultural issues and monitor the college's progress and efforts on cultural and global awareness.
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