Strategic Plan
HCC Vision
To be an educational leader providing opportunities for personal growth,
professional training, and cultural enrichment.
HCC Mission
To enhance the quality of life and employability of our community
by serving as the leading provider of:
- College and Workplace Readiness
- Transfer Education
- Technical Education and Workforce Training
- Lifelong Learning and Cultural Enrichment
Henderson Community College, a member of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, is a public associate degree granting institution serving Northwest Kentucky.
HCC Values
- Academic Freedom
- Access and Opportunity
- Accountability
- Community
- Cultural Appreciation
- Diversity
- Integrity
- Partnerships
- Quality
- Student and Employee Success
Goals, Measures, and Targets
Raise the level of educational attainment in HCC's service area by positioning the College as the most accessible, affordable, and relevant postsecondary education choice.
Measure: Graduation Rate
- Cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who complete their program within 150% of normal time as reported to IPEDS.
- 2018-19: 39.6%
- 2019-20: 25.9%
- Target: 26.8%
- Objective: Increase graduation rate by 1.0 percentage points each year.
Measure: Affordability
- KCTCS net price as a percentage of the weighted net price for students paying the in-state or in-district tuition rate & receiving grant or scholarship aid at Kentucky public four-year colleges.
- 2018-19: 44.9%
- Target: 50.0%
- Objective: Achieve and maintain a net price equal to or less than half that of public four-year institutions.
Increase access and success for HCC's students, particularly among traditionally under-represented populations.
Measure: Student Success
Metric: 1st to 2nd Year retention - URM
- Fall-to-fall retention rates of first-time, credential-seeking students by Underrepresented Minorities (American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and Two or More Races).
- 2018-19: 50.0%
- 2019-20: 53.1%
- Target: 30.8%
- Objective: Increase URM retention rate by 1.5 percentage points each year.
Metric: Graduation rate - URM
- Cohort of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who complete their program within 150% of normal time as reported to IPEDS limited to Underrepresented Minorities.
- 2018-19: 43.5%
- 2019-20: 18.4%
- Target: 28.1%
- Objective: Increase URM graduation rate by 1.4 percentage points each year.
Develop clear pathways through all levels of postsecondary education with an emphasis on experiential learning that leads to successful employment outcomes for HCC's graduates.
Measure: Experiential Learning
- Cohort of first-time diploma and AAS graduates whom complete a clinical, a co-op, an internships or service learning project prior to earning the credential. Students with AAS degrees who earned a diploma in an academic year period to receiving their AAS are counted in both the academic year they obtained the diploma and the academic year they were awarded their AAS degree.
- 2018-19: 82.7%
- 2019-20: 80.7%
- Target: 90.2%
- Objective: Increase number of students engaged in experiential learning by an average of 1.0 percentage points each year.
Measure: Transfer Rate
- Percent of Associate earners in academic year who enrolled at a four-year in that academic year after the term end date of the term the first Associate credential was earned or in the next academic year.
- 2017-18: 32.6%
- 2018-19: 37.4%
- Target: 27.3%
- Objective: Increase transfers by an average of 1.0 percentage points each year.
Improve student learning, engagement, support, experiences, and success with exceptional academic and student services.
Measure: Retention
- Fall-to-fall retention rates of first-time, credential-seeking students as reported to IPEDS.
- 2018-19: 46.7%
- 2019-20: 51.2%
- Target: 49.6%
- Objective: Increase retention by an average of 1.0 percentage points each year.
Measure: Student Engagement
- Average scores on the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) benchmarks of effective educational practice.
- Baseline (2014):
- Active Learning: 41.8%
- Student Effort: 45.8%
- Academic Challenge: 45.1%
- Student/Faculty Interaction: 50.4%
- Support for Learners: 50.3%
- 2020:
- Active Learning: 51.1%
- Student Effort: 51.2%
- Academic Challenge: 48.0%
- Student/Faculty Interaction: 57.2%
- Support for Learners: 48.1%
- Target: 50.0% on all areas
- Objective: Maintain CCSSE average benchmark scores at or above the national average.
Align programs and curricula with needs of employers that enhance the employability, job placement, and career development of HCC's graduates.
Measure: Licensure Pass Rates
- The number of students in the Voluntary framework of Accountability’s (VFA) Career and Technical (CTE) completer/leaver cohort who achieve a passing grade on their first attempt of a licensure exam.
- 2019: 81.3%
- 2020: 79.8%
- Target: 88.4%
- Objective: Exceed VFA 2022 Cohort Target.
Measure: Workforce Credit Hour Conversion
- Number of credit hours of workforce non-credit courses (clock hour conversion to credit hours).
- 2018-19: 277
- 2019-20: 312
- Target: 588
- Objective: Increase credit hours by 1% each year from a baseline of a three year average.
Promote the recognition and value of HCC.
Measure: Annual Media Citations
Metric: Total Positive Media Citations
- Annual media citations captured (print, digital, television, radio)
- 2018-19: 107
- 2019-20: 83
- Target: 1,136
- Objective: Positive media citations will increase by 2% annually.
Measure: Annual Scholarship Gifts
- Scholarship dollars donated on an annual basis to the college rather than through specific campaigns.
- 2018-19: $39,989
- 2019-20: $30,296
- Target: $27,892
- Objective: Scholarship dollars given annually (college and/or College Foundation) will increase by 3% annual growth.