

Published on Apr 11, 2019

On May 19, 2019, we're updating Blackboard Learn to incorporate the new Ultra Base Navigation (UBN). This new navigation has a sleek, modern look and feel and will save you time with simpler workflows and easier access to important information. Ultra Base Navigation won't change your courses, but you will see a difference in how you move around in the overall Blackboard environment.
What is the Ultra Base Navigation (UBN)?

Ultra Base Navigation is a modern, intuitive navigation menu that lives outside of courses. It includes links to new pages such as the Activity Stream, Calendar, Messages, etc. that provide quick access to the most critical information consolidated from all your courses.
What does this mean for instructors and students?

  • The structure or content of your courses will not change. They will look and operate exactly as they do now.
  • Starting on May 19, you will see some differences as soon as you visit to log in:
    • The log-in screen will look different.
    • Upon log-in, you will be taken directly to the Institution page.
    • There will be a new navigation panel on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • You'll still be able to access individual courses, the Blackboard Calendar, Grades, and other Blackboard tools and college resources.

UBN will enhance the Blackboard experience

  • Modern, intuitive user experience. You and your students are going to enjoy this simple, intuitive, engaging user experience.
  • Works well on mobile devices. This navigation is designed to work well regardless of which device you're using.
  • Aggregates important information. All your course and organization information – like calendar, messages and grades – is now consolidated into one global view, minimizing the time spent navigating into each individual course.
  • Only one click away. See something that needs your attention? Just click on it and you will be taken directly there, minimizing clicks and saving time.  

Stay tuned for more information

Check out this short video on UBN to see what to expect. Over the next few weeks leading up to the May 19 switch to Ultra Base Navigation, a steering committee consisting of college faculty, Distance Learning Peer Team members, and System Office staff will be sharing more in-depth information about UBN with the entire KCTCS community. We'll be offering videos, webinars, and other communications to get you up to speed, so stay tuned to your email and the KCTCScoop!