Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
The following are updates and resources to keep you informed about the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). See the Student Resources Guide for your access to learning materials and answers to important questions!
JULY 31, 2020
On Monday, August 3rd, the HCC buildings will be opened for business and all employees are expected to begin working on-campus while keeping maximum building capacity at no more than 50%:
- Employees who are unable to work on-campus must coordinate with Kim Jones, our Human Resources (HR) Director and Healthy at Work Officer, to document circumstances/eligibility.
- Staff will work with supervisors on a rotation schedule to ensure balance of coverage and 50% maximum building capacity.
- Faculty will work with division chairs and Provost on a schedule that meets the needs of students who desire both in-person and remote support, while adhering to the 50% maximum building capacity.
We won’t all be on campus together at the same time, but everyone will maintain a presence to provide high-quality service and instruction in both F2F and virtual formats. Working with flexible, on-campus employee scheduling throughout the Fall 2020 semester will support our #HealthyAtHCC goals. Just remember that the situation remains fluid, and all plans are subject to changes and guidance from the Governor’s Office, the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE), KCTCS, and our local Health Department.
We continue to move forward with a wide array of face-to-face, hybrid, and online offerings. I appreciate how our faculty are adapting classes to accommodate both social distancing and the needs and desires of our students.
Dr. Jason Warren
President, Henderson Community College
State of Kentucky COVID-19 Website and Hotline
The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services has prepared resources on when to seek care, how to prevent becoming ill, who is most at risk, and up-to-date status of the COVID-19 situation in the state. A hotline for questions regarding the virus in the state is available at 800-722-5725.
Kentucky Department of Public Health
The Kentucky Department for Public Health continues to closely monitor the international situation concerning the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Kentucky Health Departments
Colleges are encouraged to visit the websites of their local health departments and coordinate with them for guidance related to cases in their area.
- Allen County Health Department
- Anderson County Health Department
- Ashland-Boyd County Health Department
- Barren River District Health Department
- Bell County Health Department
- Bourbon County Health Department
- Boyle County Health Department
- Bracken County Health Department
- Breathitt County Health Department
- Breckinridge County Health Department
- Buffalo Trace District
- Calloway County Health Department
- Christian County Health Department
- Clark County Health Department
- Fleming County Health Department
- Franklin County Health Department
- Garrard County Health Department
- Gateway District Health Department
- Graves County Health Department
- Green River District Health Department
- Greenup County Health Department
- Hopkins County Health Department
- Jefferson County Health Department
- Jessamine County Health Department
- Johnson County Health Department
- Kentucky River District Health Department
- Knox County Health Department
- Lake Cumberland District Health Department
- Laurel County Health Department
- Lewis County Health Department
- Lexington-Fayette County Health Department
- Lincoln Trail District Health Department
- Madison County Health Department
- Marshall County Health Department
- Martin County Health Department
- Mercer County Health Department
- Monroe County Health Department
- Montgomery County Health Department
- Muhlenberg County Health Department
- North Central Health Department
- Northern Kentucky Independent Health Department
- Oldham County Health Department
- Pennyrile District Health Department
- Pike County Health Department
- Powell County Health Department
- Purchase District Health Department
- Three Rivers District Health Department
- Todd County Health Department
- Wedco District Health Department
- Whitley County Health Department
- Woodford County Health Department
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the leading public health agency for the United States and has all the current information related to COVID-19. You will find facts about symptoms of the virus and what to do if you become sick, tips on how to prevent the spread of the virus, and answers to frequently asked questions.
The U.S. Department of State
The U.S. Department of State provides an updated list of travel advisories.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE
This web-based interactive dashboard tracks the spread of COVID-19 in real time. It is hosted by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.
updated 6/08/2020