Math ACT |
Cumulative High School Unweighted GPA | GED College Readiness | EdReady Study Path |
KYOTE | HCC Courses |
27 or higher | NA | NA | NA | KYOTE Calculus 15 or higher | MAT 175, MAT 170 or any course listed below |
22 or higher | 3.2 or higher | Mathematical Reasoning 175 or higher | 86 or higher | KAlg 14 or higher | MAT 150, MAT 155, or any course listed below |
19 or higher | 3.0 or higher | Mathematical Reasoning 165 or higher | 68 or higher |
KAlg 7 or higher or CMath 22 or higher |
MAT 150 with MAT 100, MAT/STA 151 or any course listed below |
18 or higher | 2.8 or higher | NA | 63 or higher | KMath 18 or higher | MAT 110 |
16 or higher | 2.2 or higher | NA | 59 or higher | KMath 12 or higher | MAT 126 with MAT 126S MAT 110 with MAT 110S |
14 or higher | 1.0 or higher | NA | 53 or higher | KMath 6 or higher | MAT/STA 151 with MAT/STA 151S MAT 061 |
Any | Any | Any | Any | Any | Kentucky Adult Education |
Test scores expire after four years. HS GPA does not expire.
If a student has both recognized test scores and a GPA, they may be placed at the highest levels demonstrated by either scores or GPA.
Reading ACT |
Cumulative High School Unweighted GPA | GED College Readiness |
EdReady Study Path |
KYOTE | TABE A | KCTCS Courses |
20 or higher | 3.0 or higher | 165 or higher | 95 or higher | Reading 20 or higher | Reading 12.5 | No reading required |
16 or higher | 2.2 or higher | NA | 72 | Reading 12 or higher | 10.0 or higher | Reading Intensive Course (e.g., PSY 110, HIS 108, etc.) linked with Co-requisite (IRW/RDG
100) IRW 95, RDG 185 |
11 or higher | Any | NA | 43 | Reading 6 or less | 6.0 or higher | IRW 85/ Kentucky Adult Education |
Any | Any | Any | Any | Any | Any | Kentucky Adult Education |
Test scores expire after four years. HS GPA does not expire.
If a student has both recognized test scores and a GPA, they may be placed at the
highest levels demonstrated by either scores or GPA.
Cumulative High School Unweighted GPA | GED College Readiness |
EdReady Study Path |
KYOTE | TABE A | KCTCS Courses |
18 or higher | 3.0 or higher | 165 or higher | 95 or higher | English 6 or higher | 12.8 or higher | ENG 101 |
14 or higher | 2.2 or higher | NA | 72 or higher | English 5 or higher | 9.0 or higher | ENG 101 with ENG/IRW 100 IRW 95 |
12 or higher | <2.2 | NA | 43 or higher | English 3 or higher | 6.1 or higher | IRW 85/ Kentucky Adult Education |
Any | Any | Any | Any | Any | Any | Kentucky Adult Education |
Test scores expire after four years. HS GPA does not expire.
If a student has both recognized test scores and a GPA, they may be placed at the
highest levels demonstrated by either scores or GPA.