The current KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy, (Section 3.2.  Special Provisions, F. Waivers), states that

“A college may establish procedures to exempt students from assessment and placement criteria. The procedure must include the conditions under which a waiver will be granted, including clearly identifying the students being granted a waiver and the reason for the waiver. The college’s waiver policy must be on file at the college and in the KCTCS Chancellor’s Office.”

Given the inability to assess/test potential students in proctored settings and the opportunity to waive current assessment and placement criteria so that the student is not a conditional admit for financial aid purposes, the Academic Council recommends the following waiver criteria for all Colleges to be effective for all terms beginning Summer 2020 through Summer 2021:

Dual Credit/Recent High School Graduates

  1. The current Dual Credit Placement Policy will be suspended, and those students will be placed using these recommendations.
  2. Students may be admitted and placed into general education courses with a high school GPA as recommended on the  placement guidance below.
  3. Students with a minimum high school GPA of 2.0 may be placed into appropriate technical courses. Course prerequisites listed in the KCTCS catalog remain in place and can also be met using the GPA indicators.
  4. High school freshman without a GPA may be admitted to one course with a high school guidance counselor’s recommendation in their first term of dual credit until they earn a GPA.
  5. If a student has both recognized test scores and a GPA, they may be placed at the highest levels demonstrated by either scores or GPA.

Adult Learners

  1. Suspend the CPE 4-year limit on acceptable test scores.  Students would be placed using the placement guides below.
  2. Adult learners with a high school diploma or equivalency but without a KCTCS recognized placement score or GPA will be placed into a corequisite math and English course and a reading supplemented general education course as their default placement. A college may utilize additional local assessments and advising practices to improve placement accuracy early in the term. 

Note: Dual credit student success rates in particular will be reviewed after fall term 2020 in an effort to see if using these placement criteria make a difference in student success.

Effective Summer 2020—Summer 2021*
Math Placement Table
Math ACT
Cumulative High School Unweighted GPA GED College Readiness EdReady KYOTE KCTCS Courses
27 or higher   NA 95 or higher KYOTE Calculus 15 or higher  MAT 175, MAT 170 or any course listed below 
22 or higher 3.0 or higher Mathematical Reasoning 175 or higher 86 or higher KAlg 14 or higher  MAT 150, MAT 155¹, or any course listed below 
19 or higher 2.8 or higher Mathematical Reasoning 165 or higher 68 or higher

KAlg 7 or higher

or CMath 22 or higher

College Readiness Math 22 or higher

MAT 150 with MAT 100, MAT 110, MAT 126, STA 151² or any course listed below 
14 or higher 1.0 or higher NA 53 or higher KMath 6 or higher  MAT 061 
Any   Any Any  Any  Skills U (formerly Adult Basic Education)

¹We have traditionally allowed students with an ACT of 19 into MAT 155

²The Math Dept. is flexible with STA 151 and may allow students who almost qualify entrance with supplemental support. See Scott Taylor for specifics.

The four-years or older policy has been temporarily suspended per KCTCS SO.

If a student has both recognized test scores and a GPA, they may be placed at the highest levels demonstrated by either scores or GPA.

Students without a KCTCS-recognized placement score or GPA will be placed into a corequisite math and English course and a reading supplemented general education course as their default placement.

*In accordance with the KCTCS Assessment and Placement Waiver Due to COVID-19

Effective Summer 2020—Summer 2021*
Reading Course Placement

Reading ACT Cumulative High School Unweighted GPA GED College Readiness EdReady KYOTE TABE KCTCS Courses


or higher

2.6 or higher 165 or higher 95 Reading 20 or higher  Reading 12.5   No reading required
16 or higher 2.2 or higher NA 72  Reading 12 or higher 10.0 or higher 

Reading Intensive Course (e.g., PSY 110, HIS 108, etc.) linked with Co-requisite (RDG 100)


IRW 95, RDG 185

11 or higher Any NA 43 Reading 6 or less  6.0 or higher   IRW 85
Any Any Any Any Any  Any  Skills U (Formerly known as Adult Basic Education)

The four-years or older policy has been temporarily suspended per KCTCS SO.

If a student has both recognized test scores and a GPA, they may be placed at the highest levels demonstrated by either scores or GPA.

Students without a KCTCS-recognized placement score or GPA will be placed into a corequisite math and English course and a reading supplemented general education course as their default placement.

*In accordance with the KCTCS Assessment and Placement Waiver Due to COVID-19

Effective Summer 2020—Summer 2021*
English Placement Table

Cumulative High School Unweighted GPA GED EdReady KYOTE TABE A KCTCS Courses
18 or higher 2.8 or higher 165 or higher 95 English 6 or higher  12.8 or higher  ENG 101
14 or higher 2.2 or higher NA 72 English 5 or higher  9.0 or higher  ENG 101 with ENG 100
IRW 95
12 or higher Any NA 43  English 3 or higher  6.1 or higher  IRW 85
Any Any Any Any Any   Any Skills U (Formerly Adult Basic Education)

The four-years or older policy has been temporarily suspended per KCTCS SO.

If a student has both recognized test scores and a GPA, they may be placed at the highest levels demonstrated by either scores or GPA.

Students without a KCTCS-recognized placement score or GPA will be placed into a corequisite math and English course and a reading supplemented general education course as their default placement.

*In accordance with the KCTCS Assessment and Placement Waiver Due to COVID-19

Math Course Placement

Math ACT

GED College Readiness

EdReady Diagnostic

EdReady Study Path


Henderson Courses

27 or higher




KYOTE Calculus 15 or higher

MAT 175, MAT 170 or any course listed below

22 or higher

Mathematical Reasoning 175 or higher



KAlg 14 or higher

MAT 150, or any course listed below

19 or higher

Mathematical Reasoning 165 or higher



KAlg 7 or higher

or KMath 22 or higher

MAT 150 with MAT 100, MAT 1551, MAT 110, MAT 126, STA 1512 or any course listed below

14 or higher




KMath 6 or higher

MAT 061






Skills U (formerly Adult Basic Education)

1We have traditionally allowed students with an ACT of 19 into MAT 155, although this is lower than the System policy of an ACT of 22.

2The Math Dept. is flexible with STA 151 and may allow students who almost qualify entrance with supplemental support. See Scott Taylor for specifics.

General note: No scores four years or older may be used to place students into coursework. Students qualify to take the highest-level course available for that student based upon placement scores. However, placement should be based upon all forms of evidence and a conversation with the student.

Reading Course Placement

Reading ACT

GED College Readiness



High School GPA
(for HCC-only classes)

Henderson Courses


or higher

165 or higher

Reading 20 or higher

Reading 12.5

3.0 or higher AND

Advisor Permission*


No reading required

16 or higher


Reading 12 or higher

10.0 or higher

3.0 or higher

Reading Intensive Course (e.g., PSY 110, HIS 108, etc.) linked with Co-requisite (RDG 100)


RDG 185

11 or higher


Reading 6 or less

6.0 or higher


IRW 85 (Or Skills U)







Skills U (Formerly known as Adult Basic Education)

General note: No scores four years or older (including high school GPA, which must be cumulative unweighted high school GPA at the end of the first semester senior year) may be used to place students into coursework. Students qualify to take the highest-level course available for that student based upon placement scores. However, placement should be based upon all forms of evidence and a conversation with the student.

*Advisor Permission: Consider other factors – the rigor of HS classes, HS grades in English, reading ability, writing and reading test scores

English Placement Table





High School GPA
(for HCC-only classes)


Henderson Courses

18 or higher

English 6 or higher

165 or higher

12.8 or higher

3.0 or higher AND
Advisor Permission*

ENG 101

14 or higher

English 5 or higher


9.0 or higher

3.0 or higher

ENG 101 with ENG 100

12 or higher

English 3 or higher


6.1 or higher


IRW 85 (Or Skills U)






Skills U (Formerly Adult Basic Education)