Accreditation Resources | HCC

Accreditation Resources

Planning for tomorrow

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) accreditation process is such a maze of work that it's impossible to know everything that is needed to complete the process. Because of this, we are providing a list of resources to assist the accreditation team. Other resources are also available on the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Institutional Resources webpage.

Other Resources:

Anderson, L. (1981). Assessing Affective Characteristics in the Schools [Electronic version]. Educational Leadership, 524-525.

Briggs, J. C. Writing about Reading: The Decline of Literature in the Composition Classroom [Editorial]. [Electronic version]. University of California at Riverside.

Buros Institute of Mental Measurements

Campbell, P. (1995). The Interdependence of Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking (ED395274).

Crews, L. (2006) Connecting the Financials with the Quality Enhancement Plan. 2006 SACS/COC Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL .

Educational Services for Students

Feller, B. (2006, January 20). Johnny Still Can't Read - In College. Associated Press.

Foundation for Critical Thinking (2006)

Johnston, D. J. (2001). Teaching for lifelong learning. Observer, 225, 3.

Kentucky Performance Report Reading Trend Data. (2005). Kentucky Department of Education.

Kurland, D. (n.d.). How the Language Really Works: The Fundamentals of Critical Reading and Effective Writing.

Kurland, D. (n.d.). I know What It Says...What Does It Mean? Critical Skills for Critical Reading.

Laws, P. W. New Approaches to Science and Mathematics Teaching at Liberal Arts Colleges. American Journal of Physics, 67 (S1), 32-37.

Leskes, A. & Miller, R. (2006). Purposeful Pathways - Helping Students Achieve Key Learning Outcomes. Washington DC: Greater Expectations Publication.

Lewis, J. J. The Independent Learning Contract System: Motivating Students Enrolled In College Reading Courses.

Linderholm, T. (2006). Reading with Purpose. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 36(2), 70-80.

Maaka, M. J. & Ward, S. M. (2000). Content Area Reading in Community College Classrooms [Electronic version]. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 24, 107-125.

Maitland, L. E. (2000). Ideas in Practice: Self-Regulation and Metacognition in the Reading Lab. Journal of Developmental Education, 24(2).

Maloney, W. H. (2003). Connecting the texts of their lives to academic literacy: Creating success for at-risk first-year college students. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 46(8), 664-673.

McDevitt, E. (2000) A Brief History of Adult and Literacy Education. Pennsylvania Able Administrators Handbook.

Meijer, W. (2002). On the Relevance of Literature to Life: The Significance of the Act of Reading [Electronic version]. The European Legacy, 7(5), 567-577.

Meltzer, J. (2001). Supporting Adolescent Literacy Across the Content Areas [Electronic version]. Perspectives on Policy and Practice Northeast and Islands Regional Educational Laboratory at Brown University.

Newlin, M. H. (2002). Integrating Technology and Pedagogy: Web Instruction and Seven Principles of Undergraduate Education. Teaching of Psychology, 29(4), 325-330.

Nist, S. L., & Holschun, J. (2005). College Success Strategies (2nd ed.). Longman.

Nist, S. L., & Simpson, M. L. (1997). Developing Vocabulary Concepts for College Thinking (2nd ed.). D C Heath & Co.

Nist, S. L., Simpson, M. L., & Olejnik, S. (1991). The Relation Between Self-Selected Study Processes and Test Performance [Electronic version]. American Educational Research Journal, 28(4), 849-874.

Nist, S. L., & Holschuh, J. (2005). Practical Applications of the Research on Epistemological Beliefs. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 35(2), 84-92.

Parker, Cindy. High School Reading Consultant; Branch Manager, Kentucky Department of Education. Personal Interview. October 12, 2006.

Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2004). The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts & Tools (4th ed.). Dillon Beach: The Foundation for Critical Thinking.

Richard, P. H. (1990). Reading between the lines in content areas using classifying reasoning. Journal of Reading, 34(2), 92-97.

Roller, C. M. (2006) Reading and Literacy Coaches Report on Hiring Requirements and Duties Survey. International Reading Association.

St. Catharine College ACT COMPASS/ESL Program Entering Student Descriptive Report. (2006).

Steward, F. Parent Involvement in Reading [Electronic version]. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 35(1).

Suda, L. (2001). Policies and Pedagogies for Lifelong Literacy: International Perspectives or the 21st Century. 2.

Sullivan, P. (1982). Reading and Successful Living [Electronic version]. SLJ School Library Journal.

Teaching Reading Well: A Synthesis of the International Reading Association's Research on Teacher Preparation for Reading Instruction [Electronic version]. The International Reading Association, 1-2.

The Role and Qualifications of the Reading Coach in the United States [Electronic version]. (2004). International Reading Association.

Turner, F. J. & Davis, P. (1995, October). Whole Language for College Students. Reading Today, 16.

VanBlerkom, M. L. & VanBlerkom, D. L. (2004). Self-Monitoring Strategies Used by Developmental and Non-Developmental College Students. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 34(2), 45-60.

Vance, C. M. (1991). Formalizing Storytelling in Organizations: A Key Agenda for the Design of Training [Electronic version]. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 4(3), 52-58.

Wake Technical Community College's Quality Enhancement Plan: Learning to Live and to Earn a Living (n.d.). Retrieved May 23, 2006, from

Wang, D. What Can Standardized Reading Tests Tell Us? Question-answer Relationships and Students' Performance.

Waters, L. (2007). Time for Reading. Chronicle of Higher Education, 53(23), B8-pB6.

Welsh, P. (2005, August 4). How schools are destroying the joy of reading. USA Today, p. A11. Retrieved March 30, 2007.

Wood, K. D., Roser, N. L. & Martinez, M. (2001). Collaborative literacy: Lessons learned from literature. The Reading Teacher, 55(2), 102-111.

Zunshine, L. (2006). Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel. Columbus: The Ohio State University